Adding to Our Sins
Scripture 2 Chron 28:13 and said to them, “You shall not bring the captives here, for we already have offended the LORD. You intend to add to our sins and to our guilt; for our guilt is great, and there is fierce wrath against Israel.”
Observation: Sometimes we sin and instead of stopping we might think will I already sinned might as well just go on and finish. When we sin and realize it and don’t stop we had onto our sin and show God we don’t need to obey you. When you realize you’ve sinned that is the Holy Spirit convicting you of your actions and if you continue you are only feeding your sin and disobeying God. Unless you stop the sin you are committing and ask God for forgiveness your sin just multiplies and there will be a consequence to your actions.
Application: I do this exact thing. I justify my actions and when I realize that I’m sinning I try to downplay the sin, but I continue, making it worse. Sin doesn’t stay the same you either ask for forgiveness or you let it grow, I need to stop and ask God for forgiveness and repent, turn away from sinning. I need to get rid of these lustful thoughts and this laziness that prevents me from doing what I know is right to do, which is also sinning. This life needs to be dedicated to God at all times.
Prayer: My Lord I need your help to be better. I want to please you and be the man that will honor you, but I’m too busy honoring myself. Rid me of this evil and fill me with the Holy Spirit and give me the strength to do what honors you. I love you and want to please you my Lord.