Daily Devotional

Do Not Weep

Scripture Luke 7:13 When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”

Observation: Every so often I think of the compassion my Lord has shown me over the years. If it was up to me I would have been long gone and in the torment of hell. I can’t even count the times I’ve broken down in tears and feeling hopeless. I still cry, but out of overwhelming appreciation for all God has done for me. The compassion He has shown this sinner has been amazing. He brought me back to life.

Application: I need to share with others all the things God has done for me and the love He has for others. My testimony might be the gateway to someone else’s salvation. To share God’s compassion with His children so they will not need to weep.

Prayer My Lord thank you for the compassion You show me. Help me fulfill the purpose I was created for and guide me each day. Put those You desire me to speak to in my path and fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I may say the words You want them to hear.

Love Your Enemies?

Scripture Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.

Observation: It’s as if God doesn’t know me. How can I love my enemies when my heart is full of hate for them? Maybe instead of doing good to my enemies God is trying to change my heart. He said He was going to change my heart of stone into a heart of flesh and this would be some serious change. God knows I can’t do it alone, but filled with the Holy Spirit it would be possible. He wants me to be more like Jesus and this is just another step towards being more like my savior.

Application: I need to remember that at one time I was God’s enemy. I may not have done anything evil to Him, but ignoring the One who has given me everything can be just as bad. I need to show the same grace towards others as He has shown me, I need to look at others as God’s creation and not my enemy. God deserves that from me.

Prayer My Lord soften this hard heart and may I not look at others as adversaries but as my brothers and sisters in Christ. If they don’t know You use me to make the introduction.

Glorify God

Scripture Luke 5:25 Immediately he rose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying God.

Observation: God as worked many miracles in my life, but I don’t remember glorifying Him afterwards. God continues to answer our prayers, but how much time do we spend glorifying Him. We should be spending more time glorifying God than asking Him to answer our prayers, because of who He is and He is worthy of praise.

Application: On my daily walks God shows me His answered prayers of those I pray with and for myself. I need to spend more time glorifying God, because that is our purpose. It doesn’t matter what mission God has us on, the final result should be to glorify the One that has given us everything.

Prayer My Lord You are worthy of all of my love, praise, time and worship. Show me how to touch someone’s life in glorify and honor to You.

This Is Satan’s Place

Scripture Luke 4:6 And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

Observation: Jesus told us in His word that Satan was the ruler of this world and Satan proclaims it again. Satan has taken hold of this world and his dominions are busy destroying it before Jesus comes again. The sin here abounds more than any other time in history and our leaders are making laws that break the Lord’s. Satan knows the end is coming soon and he is going to oppress the saints as much as he can.

Application: Knowing the end is near I need to be busier than ever before doing God’s will. This is not a time to sit back and watch the show, but to participate doing whatever God calls me to do. I shouldn’t look for results that I can accomplish, but what God wants to accomplish through me.

Prayer My Lord, you have given us far warning of these things that are happening and I ask to be used by You in any manner that You see fit. Watch over me today as I walk and put me in the path of whoever You want to speak to. Give me knowledge and wisdom that I will need and direct your servant.

To Be a Beloved Son

Scripture Luke 3:22 And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”

Observation: I don’t expect or are worthy of the Holy Spirit coming down and hearing God’s voice say that I’m His beloved son that He is well pleased with. However, I do want to learn to live each day in a way that will please God to know in my spirit that I did something during the course of the day that pleased my Lord. God has filled me with the Holy Spirit and if I would just be quiet long enough, I could hear His directions for my life.

Application: I need to seek and hear the directions of the Holy Spirit and follow them. God gave me the Holy Spirit for just that to do the will of my Father. He doesn’t ask a lot from me and gives me simple tasks to perform that will please Him I just need to get out of my own way so that I may follow His.

Prayer Dear Holy Spirit dwell within me that I may know what it is You are calling me to do. Put people in my path that I may be able to help and encourage with Your love. I’m your bondservant and desire to please and at the end of the day know that I was well pleasing to You.

Walking with the Spirit

Scripture Luke 2:27 So he came by the Spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the Child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law,

Observation: When I read this verse, I thought about all of the moments I was led to go somewhere. My daily walks remind me that I’m walking with the spirit and how God has arranged the meetings I have with others. People have told me how amazed they were when they saw me in my shirt and how they were just praying and there I was. These are all encounters the Holy Spirit arranged to make sure we got together.

Application: To continue to be led by the Holy Spirit and go wherever He calls me. To make myself available to others so that the spirit can talk through me. To stay humble knowing this has nothing to do with me, but simply being a vessel God can use as He desires.

Prayer My Lord continue to guide me wherever You desire. Humble me before You and allow me to be used as You desire. May I always give You the glory for which You deserve.

There’s Nothing He Can’t Do

Scripture Luke 1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Observation: The world is totally engulfed in evil and so many of us have given up hope that it will get any better, but we forget we serve a God that can do the impossible. God is not surprised in what is happening today and can turn it around in an instant if that was His will. We are covered by the blood of Jesus and have to remember when we received Jesus as Lord and Savior, we also received a new home that we will be in forever. We need to trust in God with all of our hearts and minds and stay close to our Savior.

Application: I need to walk confident in God’s promise and tell others about Him and our new home. May I be a good host and invite others to the homecoming that they too may enjoy the benefits of being one of God’s children.

Prayer My Lord thank you for your sacrifice and loving me so much that You want me with You forever. Guide me on my walk today and put anyone that You want me to meet in my path and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to them.