Category: Daily Devotional

God’s Curse

Scripture Zechariah 5:3 Then he said to me, “This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth: ‘Every thief shall be expelled,’ according to this side of the scroll; and, ‘Every perjurer shall be expelled,’ according to that side of it.”

Observation: It appears that evil is triumphing today with all the troubles of this world, but there will be judgement to those who are doing wrong. Satan may be the ruler of this world for now, but God rules everything and will not let the evil doers go without punishment.

Application: Stay on the side of good and do what I’m commanded to do. Don’t worry about what some people might be doing that is wrong, but stay focused on what I’m called to do. I’m here as God’s ambassador to the people that He surrounds me with.

Prayer Dear Lord please make me more aware of what You are calling me to do. I want to please You each day and be aware of your desires for this life. May I complete the race in a way that will honor You.

By God’s Spirit

Scripture Zechariah 4:6 So he answered and said to me:
“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:
Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
Says the LORD of hosts.

Observation: There is nothing God can’t do and there is nothing that He doesn’t know. All the terrible things that have been happening around this world He could stop in an instance, but that isn’t his will. God wants to make His children strong by trusting in Him and not the things that we are surrounded with. This is not our home God is readying us for our actual home.

Application: Each day I need to trust in God whole heartedly and be in constant prayer. I’m not called to fix anything but only be obedient to God’s calling. Let God’s spirit direct my life and allow me to be used by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Dear Lord please speak to your servant and command me to do your will. Speak through me and use me in any way You desire and at the end of each day that You would be pleased. I love you Lord may I serve and please You.

The Lord Rebukes Satan

Scripture Zechariah 3:2 And the LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?”

Observation: You can see Satan’s hand in this world as he continues to destroy it. Most people feel helpless, but we forget that God can do anything. Even though Jesus said that Satan is the ruler of this world, God still intercedes for us when we pray to Him. Satan will not win in the end God will rebuke him and send him to hell.

Application: We need to know even though everything seems hopeless sometimes that God is in control. We have been warned in prophesies that this was going to happen and when it is over God’s children can go home. This is the time to draw close to God and trust Him each day and that in the end He wins along with His children.

Prayer My Lord thank you for loving us so much. Be with me today and guide me on my journey, the journey You have set before me, I love You, please use me to glorify your name.

God’s People

Scripture Zechariah 2:11 “Many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and they shall become My people. And I will dwell in your midst. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you.

Observation: This is a prophecy telling how nations will proclaim our Lord. At the time of this scripture only the Jews knew God, but now He is known around the world. Jesus tells us that He dwells within each of His children no matter who they are as long as they receive Him.

Application: That I will do whatever my Lord asks of me. He is always with me and may I live my life knowing that. Before I do or say anything that might not be pleasing to my Lord that I think and ask for His direction in my life.

Prayer Lord thank you for saving me. I thank you for not giving up on this sinner and ask that you use me until it’s time to go home. I love You so much, but at times I act as if I don’t. Please continue to dwell within your servant and guide me each day to your glory.

We Need to Return to God

Scripture Zechariah 1:3 Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Return to Me,” says the LORD of hosts, “and I will return to you,” says the LORD of hosts.

Observation: This world has abandoned God. Satan has done his job and placed so much evil in this fallen world that we reject God. Even God’s children don’t seem as close as they once were. Churches are closed and Christian values are being mocked and we draw farther from God instead of closer. We need to do battle with the evil forces and return to our Lord and Savior and do what He commands us to do. We need to return to God with all of our hearts, minds and souls.

Application: Each day I need to draw nearer to God, to humble myself before Him and be obedient to His commands in my life. I need to remove any pride that stands between me and my Lord and help others draw closer to Him.

Prayer My Lord my mind wanders all of the time and I need to be focused on You so that I may draw closer to You. My desire is to hear your voice through the Holy Spirit and to please you each day with my obedience.

What We Offer is Unclean

Scripture Haggai 2:14 Then Haggai answered and said, “‘So is this people, and so is this nation before Me,’ says the LORD, ‘and so is every work of their hands; and what they offer there is unclean.

Observation: What we offer our Lord is considered unclean for the most part, because of the way we offer it. We make offerings under compulsion, guilt, habit or because we feel we’ll get something from it. Our offerings need to be out of love for God and for no other reason. God’s word tells us that He doesn’t want sacrifices but obedience, which is something we need to offer continually throughout the day.

Application: The time I have left I need to offer my Lord works that our honoring to Him. God deserves the best I have and I need to strive every day to give Him that. I want to know when I get home that I was pleasing to my Lord with the work I did here on this earth.

Prayer Dear Lord I come before you and I want to offer you this life that You have given me. Please take it as a living sacrifice and that it might be holy and pleasing to You.

We Are Never Satisfied

Scripture Haggai 1:6 “You have sown much, and bring in little;
You eat, but do not have enough;
You drink, but you are not filled with drink;
You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm;
And he who earns wages,
Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.”

Observation: That is us today. We look for contentment and happiness in a world that can’t give it. We always want more or something different from what we have and expect to find joy. Joy only comes from the Lord and isn’t dependent of circumstances, but of the knowledge of God’s love. Paul talked that he was always content no matter what was happening around him, because He had found his joy in the Lord.

Application: All my life I searched for the things that would bring me happiness in this world and never found them. The search led me to depression and self-destruction. However today I spend my days with God and He has opened my eyes to the joys that He surrounds me with and I’m grateful to Him and that is where my joy is.

Prayer My Lord thank you for the joy of your love. Use me today to open the eyes of someone that is searching for that peace that only comes from You. Use me as You desire, your bond servant forever.