Category: Daily Devotional

Man the Fort

Scripture Nahum 2:1 He who scatters has come up before your face.
Man the fort!
Watch the road!
Strengthen your flanks!
Fortify your power mightily.

Observation: The devil surrounds this world to destroy it and we aren’t ready. We are so busy fighting amongst ourselves we don’t see him. He is there in front of our face and we need to be ready for battle. We need to man the fort and watch when he approaches. We need to strengthen our faith so he doesn’t surround us and fortify our power that comes only from the Lord, for the battle is His.

Application: I need to be ready for battle, but not in my power but the power of the Lord. I’m only a soldier in this fight and my God is my commander and I need to follow Him. Help others see the fight that we are in and take the focus off of this world and focus on the real enemy. Guide others to our general and have Him fight this battle that is too big for us.

Prayer Dear Lord help me please stay focused on You and not all of these reports of doom. Take hold of my hand and guide me through this and show me my part in your strategy to overcome the evil one.

He Knows Who Trusts Him

Scripture Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good,
A stronghold in the day of trouble;
And He knows those who trust in Him.

Observation: These are definitely the days of trouble. We are at the place where God is the only way out and if we have trusted Him, He will guide us through these times. We were not created for this earth, but the new earth that is to come and only our faith and trust in God will get us there.

Application: Do what I can to direct people to my Lord. Live my life in confidence that God is in control and help others find that peace in Him.

Prayer Lord increase our faith and trust in You. You are our God and loving Father help us fulfill the purpose you have created us for.

Today’s Leaders

Scripture Micah 7:3 That they may successfully do evil with both hands—
The prince asks for gifts,
The judge seeks a bribe,
And the great man utters his evil desire;
So they scheme together.

Observation: This sounds like today’s leaders. No one cares for the average person they are all in it for power and money. This country has been destroyed by these evil; people and if we have any hope it must come from God, because we are overcome by evil.

Application: To always put my faith in the Lord no matter what might be happening around me. Help others find that same peace God has given me during these troubling times and that they might seek Him who has the power to change things.

Prayer Dear Lord help me stay focused on You and your desire for my life. That I may run this race with Heaven as my destination. Help me Lord succeed in this.

Walking Humbly with God

Scripture Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?

Observation: God doesn’t require much of us but whatever we give we give completely to Him. If we are going to be Christians then we must be that, followers of Jesus, to be His representatives here on earth. We need to do what is just and to be merciful to those God puts around us and to be humble as we do it.

Application: Being humble is tough for me at times, because of my pride. I still have a hard time seeing people without some type of judgement, not realizing I’m criticizing one of God’s children. I need to be humbler the servant of all if I want to honor God the way He deserves.

Prayer Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and open my eyes to the things I need to change within me to be more pleasing to You. I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice may it be holy and pleasing to you.

No Worshiping the Work of Our Hands

Scripture Micah 5:13 Your carved images I will also cut off,
And your sacred pillars from your midst;
You shall no more worship the work of your hands;

Observation: We may not have carved images to worship, but we do worship the work of our hands. We feel things are more important and that are profession is what we live for. We are so busy pursuing things that might bring us happiness and we stop worshiping the Lord that gives us joy. It won’t be long before all that we did with our hands will be gone and hopefully not too late to worship the one who created our hands in the first place.

Application: I need to do whatever God calls me to do to open the eyes of those that are lost in the possessions of this world and point them to the God that gives us joy and eternal life. I need to help encourage those that have lost hope and allow the Holt Spirit to use me.

Prayer My Lord I worship You. May I be pleasing in your sight and do all that You require of me and that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t bring a smile to your face.

Walking in the Name of the Lord

Scripture Micah 4:5 For all people walk each in the name of his god,
But we will walk in the name of the LORD our God
Forever and ever.

Observation: All of God’s children need to walk in the name of the Lord. That means we must stay away from sin and be a light to those around us. Those that are about to perish walk in the name of other gods such as money, power and self-indulgence. It’s not only here on earth that we will walk with the Lord, but forever and that is where our focus should be that this place is only temporary and we must stay strong against adversity because we will be home soon.

Application: Live today as it might be my last and be ready to be with my Lord. There is nothing on this earth that I desire except to do the will of my God. Stay focused each day and draw closer to what God is calling me to do and do my best to succeed in that.

Prayer My Lord there are so many distractions and I was born a sinner. I need you to guide me through this maze of sin and get me home where I belong. I love you Lord may I show You today.

Hate Good and Love Evil

Scripture Micah 3:2 You who hate good and love evil;
Who strip the skin from My people,
And the flesh from their bones;

Observation: God is talking to the leaders of Israel, but He could also be talking to our leaders today. Now is the worse time in our history that I know of. Our leaders are bought with money and are cheating in this election. They plan on destroying our country and have planned a plague to scare the people. There is nothing but lies in the media and people live in fear of what is happening.

Application: To help those that might not know God and to be the best representative I can be for Him. To continue to pray at the beach and listen to my Lord for direction and what He calls me to do. To encourage my brothers and sisters to use their gifts to help others living in fear.

Prayer My Lord evil is all around and I don’t know what Your plan is and how much longer this is going to go. Put on my heart the part you want me to play and speak to Your servant that I will be obedient to your calling. I’m here only to serve You.