Category: Daily Devotional

Punishment of the Rich

Scripture Amos 2:6 Thus says the LORD:
“For three transgressions of Israel, and for four,
I will not turn away its punishment,
Because they sell the righteous for silver,
And the poor for a pair of sandals.

Observation: Our leaders and the very rich have power over most of us. They don’t care and abuse their power and treat the poor with contempt. If they would only give from their massive wealth and help those in need this world would be a different place, but I’m sure that won’t be happening. We are going to have to wait for the new earth before we see the love for each other the way God desires it to be.

Application: I need to help whenever I can and wherever God leads me. I’m not here for me but for my Lord and the people He surrounds me with.

Prayer Good Morning Lord, it’s a new day. Please guide me through it and put people in my path that I can help and pray with. Thank you for each day and the opportunity to serve You.

Ripped Open the Women with Child

Scripture Amos 1:13 Thus says the LORD:
“For three transgressions of the people of Ammon, and for four,
I will not turn away its punishment,
Because they ripped open the women with child in Gilead,
That they might enlarge their territory.

Observation: I’ve seen this verse in other scriptures in the Old Testament that they ripped open the women with child and the thought is so disgusting it’s hard to imagine. Isn’t that what we do today? We may not rip the woman open but they go into the womb and either poison the baby or remove their brain. It is being done now in the ninth month just before they are to be delivered. These babies are God’s creation even before they were conceived. He knew us before we were born and knitted them together in their mother’s womb. God is just and this will be punished. One of the reasons this is done is because of a group that wants to control the population so they can enlarge their territory.

Application: We need to stand up for the rights of unborn children and do what we can to stop this sin against God. God will not let this go unpunished, because He is just.

Prayer Dear Lord I don’t know how you forgive us for allowing your children to die. We deserve your judgement as a country, but we beg for mercy and ask for guidance on how to stop this slaughter of children. Repay the evil to those who are in control of doing this.

The Value of Children

Scripture Joel 3:3 They have cast lots for My people,
Have given a boy as payment for a harlot,
And sold a girl for wine, that they may drink.

Observation: This is so sad that we don’t value our children more than we do. Jesus wanted the children to come to Him and He warned if anyone harmed a child it would be better if they had a millstone tied around them and thrown in the sea. Today we abort children in the ninth month, pedophile punishment is a joke, sex trafficking is rampant and fatherless homes are greater than ever. How this must hurt the heart of God.

Application: We need to do whatever we can to turn this around. I donate to an organization that helps children from sex trafficking. There is legislation that needs to be passed to protect our children and if a man fathers a child, he needs to be responsible for fathering that child. A child needs to know they are important and must be taught the word of God so they may know the true love that He has for them.

Prayer Father help us please take care of Your children. Help us show them the love that You have for us and them. May they not feel like outcast but an important part of Your family.

Blow the Trumpet

Scripture Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion,
And sound an alarm in My holy mountain!
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble;
For the day of the LORD is coming,
For it is at hand:

Observation: With most of the prophesies fulfilled it appears it might not be too long before the Lord returns. I’m torn from the joy of going home to the thought of our children and grandchildren maybe not making it. As I look around it seems there are going to be so many people not going to heaven but on the road to hell.

Application: I need to do the best I can to warn others of their eternal doom. Jesus told us that the road was narrow and He was the only way to the Father. I need to seek God each day and listen and see what He wants of me each day. My only purpose is to serve Him whether here or at home.

Prayer My prayer is when I get there and knock at the door that You would answer and greet me knowing my name. That I will be welcomed in and get to spend eternity with You. Help me stay focused on You.

Tell Our Children

Scripture Joel 1:3 Tell your children about it,
Let your children tell their children,
And their children another generation.

Observation: One of the problems today is that we don’t talk to our children. There is so much to do and we don’t take time with them. Parents should be the ones that talk to their children about God and life. We allow others to teach them and we are surprised when we find out they were taught lies. If our children have the truth taught them by the ones that love them they would be better prepared to deal with the lies, but if all they know is lies that is what they will believe.

Application: My children are grown and they have their own children now. I was not a good father and did not spend time with my children or teach them anything of any use. My grandchildren are getting older and they will be going out on their own. I now try to set a better example, but I still haven’t spent time telling them the truth about the gospel. I need to find a way to spend time with them so they will know the truth.

Prayer My Lord give me wisdom and courage to approach my children and grandchildren and to speak the truth to them. That they may know You and your love and mercy. You are the only thing that matters.

Return to the Lord

Scripture Hosea 14:2 Take words with you,
And return to the LORD.
Say to Him,
“Take away all iniquity;
Receive us graciously,
For we will offer the sacrifices of our lips.

Observation: America has strayed so far from the Lord. Even His children are not as close as we should be. To return to the Lord is to be obedient to His commands and our purpose. We have gotten too comfortable here and receive what the world offers too easily. God says if we would return to Him, He would receive us graciously and take away our iniquity.

Application: It’s time to return to our first love, God. He deserves our praise, worship and love and we need to give that. This should not just be a private thing but a commitment that others will see. If we plan on bringing others to God, we must first show others our love and commitment to Him.

Prayer Dear Lord forgive us. I know we don’t deserve it and we don’t understand the depths of Your love, but we do know that You love us. May we repent of our evil ways and return to you with our whole heart, because you deserve the best we have.

No God but Our Lord

Scripture Hosea 13:4 “Yet I am the LORD your God
Ever since the land of Egypt,
And you shall know no God but Me;
For there is no savior besides Me.

Observation: I’m not sure why the world insists of creating other gods and ignoring the one and only Lord. We know what sinners we are but we want to deny the sins we commit. I believe some think if we get rid of God our sins will go along with Him. Instead, we are making our sins worse than ever and it will have eternal consequences.

Application: God has given me a commission to pray for His children. He has put me in the path of so many and I pray that He finds me worthy of preaching the gospel to those that might be lost. I know my time is getting short and my strength is weakening with age, but before I go home, I want to finish my race in a way that will please my Lord.

Prayer Dear God there is nothing I can do without you, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Please strengthen your servant and pick me up that I can make it to the finish line. There are so many that are lost show me how to find the ones You want home. Can’t wait to be with You forever.