Love God with All Our Heart
Scripture: Matthew 22: 37 Jesus replied: ” `Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
Observation: God deserves all of my love and obedience. Yet I fall short of what I actually give him. My decisions should be based on my love for God because you wouldn’t want to hurt the one you love, which is something I seem to do. If you love someone that much you would tell others about your love and why you love that person that much. Someone you love is on you heart and mind all the time.
Application: Love God more and show him my love in what I do. I tell Teri all the time how much I love and I need to be doing the same with my Lord. In my actions and thoughts I should be showing God how much I love him. There should be nothing that comes close to the love I have for God and I need to show him through my obedience.
Prayer: Dear Father I do love you and you know my heart. Help me fall more in love with you by hearing your voice. Take any distractions away and draw me nearer to you. Speak and I will obey.