Category: Daily Devotional

Mighty is the Lord

Scripture: Revelation 18: 8 Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:
death, mourning and famine.
She will be consumed by fire,
for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.

Observation: Over and over in the bible the words mighty is the Lord appear, but do I treat him that way. My God is all powerful and can do anything and his ways are always right. Yet each day I doubt and worry about this life. I can’t seem to let go and let God. I know he loves me and wants the best for me and I know he is in control so why don’t I act that way?

Application: I need to walk my talk. To trust God completely and stop doubting his power and love in my life. To live this life in full submission to my God and to honor him with everything I do, knowing he is with me and loves me.

Prayer: Dear Father increase my faith that I will trust you with all of my heart and stop leaning on my own understanding, but in everything I do trust you and allow you to finish the good work you began in me.

God’s Word Will Be Fulfilled

Scripture: Revelation 17: [17] For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God’s words are fulfilled.

Observation: God’s words will be fulfilled. Everything He said in the bible will come true as he said. There is no maybes or just kidding when it comes to his words and he is true and trustworthy. We can depend on God to be who he says he is.

Application: I need to understand his word better so I know what it is I should be doing and what is to be done. To get direction in my life and to understand God I must study and meditate on his word.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me understand your word and be prepared to give an answer when someone has a question or doubt. May I know your will for my life and please you with the man I become.

God’s Judgment Is Just

Scripture: Revelation 16:7 And I heard the altar respond:
“Yes, Lord God Almighty,
true and just are your judgments.”

Observation: Sometimes I feel I’m being picked on by God. I feel sorry for myself and can’t understand why everything doesn’t go the way I want it all the time. I forget God is always right and that He loves me and wants the best for me.

Application: Instead of asking why, I should be looking for the lesson. What is God trying to show me? What can I be doing better? Know that God loves me and is trying to make me the person he wants me to be.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide this servant and draw me close to you. Make me into the man you want me to be.

He Alone is Holy

Scripture: Revelation 15: 4 Who will not fear you, O Lord,
and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed.”

Observation: Again we forget at times who we are aloud to talk to, who holds our lives in his hands. We take for granted the intimacy of our heavenly Father and forget to give him the honor, worship and glory he deserves.

Application: I need to spend a moment thinking of who I’m praying to before I pray. Realize the opportunity God has given me and humble myself before uttering a word to my Father. Only ask the things that will draw me nearer to God and to understand what he desires of me and not what I desire.

Prayer: Dear Father you are worthy of so much more than I can give you, but please take all that I have. May I live this life in a way that will please you and open my eyes to your will for my life. Show me how to live this life that others may see your love through me.

Fear the Lord

Scripture: Revelation 14: [7] He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

Observation: We don’t think of fear as being loving or kind, but without fear of who God truly is we take him for granted. God has the power to save us and he does and he alone deserves the glory and our obedience.

Application: I need to appreciate who God is, especially when I’m praying. It’s not about me but about my creator the God of all the Almighty, my heavenly Father who deserves all the glory, praise and obedience of his children..

Prayer: Dear Father you are so worthy of all that we have. May I always bow down to your majesty and exalt your name on high. For you are my all and deserve all that I have.

Patient Endurance

Scripture: Revelation 13:10 If anyone is to go into captivity,
into captivity he will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword,
with the sword he will be killed.

This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

Observation: Patient endurance and faithfulness is something I lack. Even now my patience is being tested by a decision where we should live since we can’t afford our home any more. I know God has a place yet I feel I need to make a decision now. My lack of faith has me second guessing everything that is happening.

Application: To trust God with all of my heart, mind and soul. He is the one that created me and has gotten me this far. He has a plan and if I allow him and obey him he will fulfill it in his time, not mine.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith that I will trust you with all of my heart and not to lean on my own understanding, but in all of my ways acknowledge you and that you will make my paths straight.

The Devil Don’t Like Us

Scripture: Revelations 12: [17] Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring–those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

Observation: The devil rages war each day. He knows my weaknesses and uses them to take the joy out of my life. He is able to wage war against my mind and pervert my thoughts and unless I catch him soon enough he wins a battle now and again. I can’t fight him, I’m not strong enough, only when I ask God to intervene is he defeated.

Application: Don’t let the devil get a foothold. I allow him in much too often and I need to fill my heart with my Lord so there is no room for anything else. Keep in prayer and study each day and use what God teaches me to defeat the enemy and to live a life in glory to him.

Prayer: Dear Lord fight the battle for me and show me how to be victorious each day living for you. Take charge of this servant’s life and guide me on my journey this day, that I will be pleasing to you.