Category: Daily Devotional

Being useful to Our Master

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

Observation: That is what I want to be is useful to my God. Someone he can depend on to have the right heart for Him and willing to do his will, to do good works in his name and not for my recognition.

Application: I still feel I have some time here on this earth, but not much and I need to get busy fulfilling the purpose God has created me for. I need to start each day being that golden cup by having the right heart to serve my Master. I belong to him and I want to be obedient, even though my heart and mind drifts so much of the time. Nothing is impossible with God and if I let him he can make me useful

Prayer: Dear Lord I want to be holy and useful to you, but I can’t without you. There is nothing good within me so please guide your servant to please you and be useful, show me the good works you desire of me.

Not A Spirit of Fear

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity , but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Observation: Then why do I fear all the time whether it is my job, my finances, my health, my wife and the list goes on. What a disappointment to God I must be at times. Here he has blessed me, protected me and took care of all my needs and gave me the power from the Holy Spirit and I decide to worry instead of trust.

Application: Draw my power from God and not my surroundings and my own insecurity. Know that God wants the best for me and I need to trust that and trust him. It is time to stand strong in the power of the Holy Spirit and finish the race, accomplishing all that God has in store for me.

Prayer: Dear Father forgive this coward and give me strength. Take charge of this life that it might glorify you. Always be with me, guiding and directing my path and show me the way home.

Godliness with Contentment

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Observation: Contentment seems to be something I really lack, I never seem to be content. A good part of my day is spent trying to figure out how to get something or keep something, I wonder if I spent that time in prayer instead of anxiety where I would be? My godliness seems to be reserved for special occasions as I remember God is in control of my life, when all else fails.

Application: I need to be Godly at all times, living a life that honors him. I also need to be content, God has given me so much and I need to appreciate everyday how He has blessed my life. To live a life in appreciation to my God where everyone around me will see it.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for all you have blessed me with, I’m not worthy of any of it, but show me how to live this life in honor and glory to your name. May I give to others as you have given to me.

Providing for Your Relatives

Scripture: 1 Timothy 5: [8] If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Observation: God put this scripture on my heart when my ex-wife filed for divorce. I agreed to give her everything we had and only took the outstanding bills. The only thing I refused was a payment they asked of four hundred dollars a month, but told her she can have everything we had together as husband and wife including our retirement plan which I paid for. I believe God blessed me for that obedience. He blessed me with a wonderful woman, who has increased my joy beyond measure.

Application: I need to continue to obey God in all he asks of me and if I see my family in need I need to reach out with what God has given me. God asks me to give and I will never be a generous to others as he has been to me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for all I have and more than anything your love and the many blessings. All I have is yours show me how to use and give it in glory and honor to your name.

Watch Your Life

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4: [16] Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Observation: I need to watch my life and see what others see. Am I anxious or patient, honest or are my actions questionable, do I represent my Lord or myself in what I do? I watch everyone else, but do I watch what I do so others can see the light of God in my life.

Application: I need to see what others see in my life. If I live this life for God others will see and be drawn to know my Lord and Savior and if I don’t all they will see is a hypocrite and an excuse not to follow Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord I can’t live this life without you and I need you each day. Be with me and show me how to live that others will see you through my life. You are worthy of my best show me how to glorify you.

Keeping Hold of the Truths of Faith

Scripture: 1 Timothy 3: [9] They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience.

Observation: Keeping hold is sometimes the hard part for me. I know the truths of faith, because God as shown me them over and over again, but keeping hold of them is something else. When I’m going through trials or things aren’t going my way I so easily forget the truths and focus on my situation.

Application: Always keep in my heart the truths of faith, how God is always with me and if I follow Him he will lead me and protect me. That faith without works is dead being of itself and that I need to be working for my Lord with service to others in his name. Keep the truths stored in my heart and use them constantly to fulfill the purpose God has set before me.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith so that I may trust you with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but acknowledge you with all of my heart.

Everyone Needs Prayer

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Observation: I know God wants no one to perish and he wants all men to be saved and he has given us that responsibility to tell others the truth of his love, mercy and grace. The Bible tells us that if we share and that person does not accept the gospel his life is on his head, however if we do not tell them their life is on our head. This is not a simple request, but our purpose for living to bring others home with us.

Application: I need to make a much better effort to share my faith with others around me, they are there because God put them in my path. This is my most important job and I need to treat it that way and not let embarrassment, laziness or fear get in my way.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me wisdom and courage to fulfill the purpose you put in my life. I’m here to serve you, show me how to please you.