Category: Daily Devotional

Becoming Weary Doing Good

Scripture: Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Observation: I become weary so easily. I will volunteer to serve and become tired just thinking about doing it at times, instead of how it honors God, which is why I’m doing it in the first place. The harvest is to bring others to Christ and the service I do for the Lord has done that and by doing more service it will guide even more to his saving grace.

Application: Do everything with joy and gladness because I am doing it to the Lord. I’m only here for one reason, to honor God. He created me to do the things I do and I should be so blessed that He has given me the skills and gifts to do them. Look for more opportunities to use the gifts he has given me and increase the harvest in his name.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for all you’ve given me, I deserve nothing. May I use the gifts and talents I have to please you and touch the lives of those around me in glory and honor to your name.

Serving in Love

Scripture: Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love.

Observation: It is so easy to fall into my sinful nature whether it is lust of the eyes, greed, envy and other sins committed against my brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m called only to love others and out of that love serve them. When I serve it should not be out of recognition or praise but to do it out of love for my Lord and that love needs to shine through to others.

Application: To pray through any sinful nature that will come out throughout each day. To look at others with the love of Christ and to serve them as I’m serving my savior. Find ways to help others and live a life that honors God.

Prayer: Dear God help me see others as you see them. Show me how to serve your children and draw closer to you each day. You are worthy of all my love, praise and obedience.

I’m No Longer a Slave

Scripture: Galatians 4:7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

Observation: I have been a slave to sin most of my life and even now am controlled from time to time by it, but Jesus set me free from that. I am a child of God, his son and the Kingdom of heaven belongs to me. How unbelievable that sounds to me that I will inherit heaven after all I’ve done to my Father. I am truly the prodigal son.

Application: To remember each day that I am a son of God and my Father deserves all the obedience that a good son would have for their perfect Father. To tell others of their inheritance that awaits for them in the name of Jesus and to live a life of peace and hope in my Father so others will be drawn close to Him.

Prayer: Dear Father I thank you for your love and am not worthy of the inheritance that you have set aside for me. Show me how to be a good son, an obedient one that will please you and make you proud. May I hear you say, “That’s my boy,” with pride.

Clothed in Christ

Scripture: Galatians 3:27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

Observation: What does it mean to be clothed in Christ? It means to be covered, wrapped in, protected by and when others see you they see the clothes you wear, which is Jesus. Jesus protects us from the elements, hides are nakedness, and comforts us. If we are truly clothed by Jesus others will see him in our life and the closer we are drawn to him the more others will notice how finely dressed we are.

Application: Not to wear anything else, but the robes of the King. That by being clothed I’m representing Jesus as my Lord and savior and need nothing else, no other accessory just the royal robes of my Lord.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father cover me with the blood of your son. May other see the love He has for me and for others. May I walk proudly today that others may see that I live my life wearing the love of my Savior.

Christ Lives in Me

Scripture: Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Observation: My old life is gone and Jesus has brought me a new life through his love. He renewed my mind and changed my heart. He has filled me with the Holy Spirit and he now lives in me. I’m not the same man I was, but still have a long way to go to be the man he desires of me. My faith is still weak even though stronger than it was before being saved and that is the part that is holding me up from being more like my savior.

Application: I need to allow Jesus to work more in me. He still allows me to make choices and my choices are not always God honoring, still focused on myself. My faith is weak and I need to continue to ask in prayer for my Lord to strengthen it. I need to give myself to my Lord each day allowing him to use this servant for glory and honor to him.

Prayer: Dear God please increase my faith and work through this servant. Continue to change your servant and form me into the man you desire me to be, I am yours, use me as you desire.

He Gave Himself Up for Our Sins

Scripture: Galatians 1: [4] who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father

Observation: Sometimes I forget all that Jesus did for me. I take it for granted that my mind has been renewed, my depression is gone, I am with the most wonderful women ever and I have eternal life all because of the sacrifice and love of my savior, Jesus Christ. He rescued me from this evil age and has given me hope and a purpose to fulfill.

Application: To remember each day Jesus sacrifice for me and that he did it out of love and the will of the Father. That my life is not my own, but that I belong to God and everything I have was given me to God to steward. I owe my existence to Jesus and I need to live this life that way, not for selfish reasons, but to do the will of the Father.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am so grateful for your sacrifice I couldn’t exist without you and I thank you for this life you have given me now and for eternity. Show me how to do the will of the Father that I may glorify you.

Am I in Faith?

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you–unless, of course, you fail the test?

Observation: I hate tests, always did. I was so afraid to fail and now I’m asked to test myself in one of the most important parts of my Christian life, faith. I know I failed the test before, several times. I know Christ is within me or I wouldn’t even be here and without his strength I wouldn’t been able to accomplish anything. I examined myself and my faith is weak, but is getting stronger each day.

Application: To examine myself daily to see where I stand in my faith. To depend on God each day so that my faith will grow stronger as I see him working in my life. Be willing to test my faith each day as I know the Lord is with me.

Prayer: Dear Father increase my faith and draw me nearer to you. Test me to see if my faith is honoring to you. You are my Lord and my master show this servant how to please you this day.