Category: Daily Devotional

The Desire to Do Good

Scripture: Romans 7:18 I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.

Observation: That is how I feel most of the time that first nothing good lives in me that no matter how hard I try my sinful nature comes out and my thoughts are evil, but I want to do good more than anything. I want to honor God and serve him the way he deserves to be served. Even now we are doing an outreach to the homeless which I know will bless God and yet instead of being so excited that I will have an opportunity to honor my Lord I can’t wait until it’s over and I think about the sleep I will miss, how terrible am I?

Application: I need to realize why I am here, to serve God by serving others in his name and spreading the gospel of Jesus. I need to be in constant prayer that God can remove this sinful nature from me and continue to fill me with the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me strength to fight off evil thoughts and anything that is not from you. Your servant is weak and a sinner, help me be that man you want me to be in glory and honor to your name.

Slaves of Righteousness

Scripture: Romans 6:18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

Observation: I first read this and thought there is no way I’m a slave to righteousness even though I would like to be. Jesus set me free from sin when he died for me and now it’s my choice how I live this life he gave me. When he came into my life he changed me he softened my heart and gave me over to a new mind. I’m still far from where I need to be but I do want to do the right thing, I do want to please God and I want to fulfill my purpose in this life in glory and honor to God, so maybe I am a slave to righteousness.

Application: I need to do more than think of the right things to do I need to do them and that starts with my heart. I need to have the heart of Christ and loving, caring and giving heart that will guide me to do the right things. I need to pray throughout the day for guidance to do the right things and ask God to take control of this life.

Prayer: Dear Lord please take charge of your servant and guide down the path of fulfilling my purpose in your name, direct my thoughts, word and actions today and each day that they will be pleasing in your sight.

Hope Doesn’t Disappoint

Scripture: Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit , whom he has given us.

Observation: I love that God has poured out his love into our hearts. When I was saved I didn’t love anything or any body, All I cared about was me. After I was saved God poured into my heart love, love for children, homeless and the elderly, He filled me with the Holy Spirit. I started seeing people through his eyes, it was and is so wonderful.

Application: I need to continue to let the Holy Spirit guide me and to stay away from focusing on myself and let the Holy Spirit continue to fill me with love. To reach out to others in Jesus’ name and let that love show to others.

Prayer: Dear Lord thanking for not letting me stay where I was with a hard heart and pouring your love into me. May others see your love through me may I please you and draw closer to you each day.

Faith Credited as Righteousness

Scripture: Romans 4:5 However, to the man who does not work, but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.

Observation: Lately my faith has been so weak. Things going on at work and all I seem to be able to do is worry. I didn’t go to my class at church because I felt sick and the sickness is from my fear. Where is my faith? God has always been faithful yet all I seem to focus on is my problems and not my God.

Application: I need to look back on my life to see how my God has been faithful to me. I need to be sure I’m in God’s will and then trust in him that he will deliver me from these troubles on His time. To draw closer to him in prayer, serving and rest in my God’s love and not what is happening in the world.

Prayer: Dear God please forgive me for my lack of faith and fear and redeem this servant of yours. Open my eyes on what your plan is for me not what my plan is. May I live a life in glory and honor to you.

Righteousness through Faith

Scripture: Romans 3: [22] This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,

Observation: I do believe in my Lord Jesus Christ that he died for my sins and was risen from death that I may have eternal life. That makes me righteous in God’s eyes, even though most of the time I don’t feel very righteous.

Application: I need to trust God and to allow others to be righteous by believing in Jesus and the miracle of eternal life in heaven, or they will perish and have eternal life in Hell. A righteous man would care what would happen to others and be obedient to his Father and do his will. I need to obey God and honor my Lord and do my best to spread the word that Jesus has risen and that he loves each one of us, no matter what.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for making me righteous, I am not worthy. You deserve all that I have and all that I am in service to you. Take this servant of yours and direct me on what to do in glory and honor to You.

Doing Good Persistently

Scripture: Romans 2: [7] To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.

Observation: I don’t persistently do good, even though I would like to. I enjoy serving and helping others, but I don’t do it most of the time. I truly love God and do want to honor Him but I put myself first most of the time and I know I shouldn’t. I get lazy, worry about things I shouldn’t and look out for my best interest instead of seeking out the good I should be doing for God.

Application: I’m not going to be here very much longer and my opportunity to live my life in glory to God will end. I’m afraid there are going to be several people I was suppose to witness to that I didn’t because I wasn’t where I was suppose to be. I want to finish the race well but I need to stay on course. This morning I’m going to go to a meeting at church to help organize an outreach to feed the homeless and that is the path I want to be on. I have the gift of eternal life it’s time I show my appreciation to God for this priceless gift.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am unworthy of your love yet you give it to me each day. I’m in love with you, fill me with the Holy Spirit and help me show you how much.

Calling Others to Obedience

Scripture: Romans 1:5 Through him and for his name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.

Observation: Because of the grace God has given me and the teaching through his word I am instructed to call people to Christ. This calling comes through faith both by my spreading the gospel and for others that receive the message. My most important purpose is to draw others to Christ by my words, actions, works and the way I live my life.

Application: I need to be obedient to my calling. God has blessed me with so much and asks so little of me, yet I continue to reject my calling due to laziness and wanting things for myself. I have only so much more time left and I need to honor God with the rest of my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and direct me in all that I do, that I will glorify you with the rest of this life that you give me. May I draw nearer to you and please you for you are worthy of all of my love, praise and obedience.