The Lord is Always Beside Me
Scripture: Acts 27:23 Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me and said, “Do not be afraid Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.”
Observation: This morning I woke up afraid and troubled. All I could think of was leaving this place and going home to my Father. I didn’t want to continue to be here and my mind was in turmoil. I forget that God and His angels are beside me through all that I come through in life and I’ll be here as long as God wants me here. As He wanted Paul to stand trial there are things that He has set in my life that He wants to do through me.
Application: I need to be obedient and focus on God and not the things of this world, knowing I am here for a purpose and that purpose serves God. Continue to pray and ask God for strength to live each day knowing that He is watching over me and that He will accomplish what he desires if I’m obedient.
Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for my thoughts and my fear. Surround me with your love and angels and open my eyes to see your glory and plan for me in this life. I belong to you and want to be you faithful servant help me each day I can’t live without you.