Category: Daily Devotional

The Lord is Always Beside Me

Scripture: Acts 27:23 Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me and said, “Do not be afraid Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.”

Observation: This morning I woke up afraid and troubled. All I could think of was leaving this place and going home to my Father. I didn’t want to continue to be here and my mind was in turmoil. I forget that God and His angels are beside me through all that I come through in life and I’ll be here as long as God wants me here. As He wanted Paul to stand trial there are things that He has set in my life that He wants to do through me.

Application: I need to be obedient and focus on God and not the things of this world, knowing I am here for a purpose and that purpose serves God. Continue to pray and ask God for strength to live each day knowing that He is watching over me and that He will accomplish what he desires if I’m obedient.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for my thoughts and my fear. Surround me with your love and angels and open my eyes to see your glory and plan for me in this life. I belong to you and want to be you faithful servant help me each day I can’t live without you.

Appointed As A Servant

Scripture: Acts 25:7 Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you.

Observation: God has appointed me to be a servant to him and to others in his name. He set the example while on this earth to serve. That is my calling to serve others by using the gifts and talents God has given me and I wouldn’t truly be happy until I’m doing what God as called me to do.

Application: God continues to set up opportunities to serve others in his name and I need to resist any temptation not to serve. Laziness, tiredness and busyness are no reason not to serve. I have been appointed by the King and given power to accomplish what I need to accomplish.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me strength and discipline to fulfill my purpose, to serve. I am honored to be called your servant show me how to please you.

Jesus is Alive

Scripture: Acts 25: [19] Instead, they had some points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive.

Observation: That is what God calls me to do to proclaim that my Lord and Savior, Jesus is alive and that all the people God surrounds me with will know. No matter where Paul went people knew about Jesus whether they understood or not they knew what Paul was proclaiming. People may not understand if I tell them about the gospel or what to accept, but that is not my job. My mission is to proclaim and explain the gospel as God directs me to do.

Application: To proclaim the gospel of my Lord, Jesus Christ to all He puts in my sphere of influence. That after people talk to me that they will know my believes and why I belief.

Prayer: Dear God you have given me a purpose and mission in this life, fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me on how to fulfill my purpose that it will glorify you.

Keeping my Conscience Clear

Scripture: Acts 25:16 So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.

Observation: I need to always make sure I do things that are right before both God and man. My testimony will never be accepted if I don’t live the life God has called me to live. My word needs to be true and my character as flawless as it can be so that people will hear me and believe.

Application: I need to think before I act and be careful what I say. I have a tendency to exaggerate to make myself look better or to get myself out of trouble. MY word needs to be true and I need to honor God by the man I am in front of others. My goal is to be a person people can trust and depend on.

Prayer: My Lord all the things I want to do and the man I want to be that would honor you I can’t do without you. Fill me with your spirit and guide me each day to glorify you.

Take Courage and Testify

Scripture: Acts 23:11 The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”

Observation: I know my purpose is to spread the gospel, to testify of the gospel of my Lord, Jesus. I don’t fulfill my purpose most of the time because I am afraid of what people will think and embarrassment. How can I think of what people think above what God will think?

Application: I need to take courage, the courage that comes from the Holy Spirit, who is always with me. I have one purpose to spread the gospel and God has given me so many avenues to do and gifts and talents to accomplish this task. By faith I need to fulfill what God as already put on my heart to do.

Prayer: My Lord give me the strength and courage to honor you each day. To tell others of your unfailing love. May none perish that I know because I was faithful in spreading your word.

What Shall I Do?

Scripture: Acts 22:10 “What shall I do Lord?” I asked. “Get up, “ the Lord said, “and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.”

Observation: That is my question each day, “what should I do Lord? “ I wish I could hear from the Lord as clearly as Paul did. Maybe God is talking to me and I’m just not listening. I know God has an assignment for me there is a reason I’m here and only He knows why.

Application: To start listening and meditate on God’s word. To keep my eyes and heart open to what is happening around me and to be ready to do what the Lord tells me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me hear what it is you want me to do. Make my assignment clear to me that I may fulfill it in glory and honor to you. Speak clearly to me so I may understand.

Ready to Die for Christ?

Scripture: Acts 21:I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the “name of the Lord Jesus.”

Observation: Am I ready? I’m not ready to even be bound for my Lord, even though I tell him I would. I can’t even live this life the way I should be living, let alone endure persecution for my God. My self-centeredness and worry take up too much of my time. I should be focused on what my Lord wants of me. There is nothing more important than my Lord, so why do I put His desires behind mine?

Application: I need to put God first where he belongs in my life. To be ready to be bound and to die for the purpose God has given me. I need to give back to my God at least a little of all he has done for me.

Prayer: My Lord I’m so weak and you deserve everything I have. I do love you and ask for your forgiveness for the way I live this life. Give me strength, wisdom and courage to live the rest of this life in glory and honor to you.