Category: Daily Devotional

Finishing the Race

Scripture: Acts 20: 24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.

Observation: I keep thinking the race I’m running is for me, but it’s for God. It is his race and I need to run the course that he set for me, not to wonder off all the time. It is not a marathon most of the time it’s an obstacle course with new challenges each day. This race can only be won with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Application: Remember each day why I’m running and the objective of the race, to fulfill the purpose God has given me, to tell others of his saving Grace. Ask God constantly for help to make it through this race.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me run this race, train me to make it the distance and when it’s over to run into your arms and feel your embrace and that you are pleased with your servant.

Do the Demons Know Me?

Scripture: Acts 19:15 One day, the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?’

Observation: Do I make a difference for Jesus or is my faith strong enough that the demons know me? I was afraid writing this, because I don’t want any other troubles in my life, yet God tells me not to fear, it is all over in his Word. However I don’t believe my faith is strong enough that the enemy recognizes me and that I’m not even a threat.

Application: I need to be bold in my witness to my God and I need to make a difference in this life for my Lord that the demons do know who I am and my faith is so great that it doesn’t matter. Satan needs to know about me, because of my love for my God and willingness to further the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Dear Lord take this fear from me and increase my faith. That I will not waste this life you have given me but use it to fulfill the purpose you have given me. May the demons know me as one loved by you.

Keep on Speaking

Scripture: Acts 18:9 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

Observation: God calls me to keep telling others the gospel and the love of our Lord. He tells me not to be silent but to persevere in spreading the good news so others don’t perish. I’m not to be afraid because he is with me and there is nothing that man can do. My courage comes from Christ and the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

Application: Look for opportunities to share the gospel with others knowing that I’m honoring God every time I speak his name. My purpose is to go out and make disciples, as it is for everyone that calls themselves a Christian. The word says that God is with me and the Holy Spirit will put the words in my mouth so why should I be afraid?

Prayer: Dear God give me the strength, courage and wisdom to speak in your name. May the love I have for You be seen by others.

God Determines the Time & Place

Scripture: Acts 17:26 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

Observation: That God determines the times and places in my life, not me. I know I go against his will and go where he doesn’t want me at times and pay the consequences. He has chosen where I should be and the best way to serve him, he always wants to bless me, but I need to be in his will.

Application: I need to be where God wants me at the time he wants me there. He guides me each day and during prayer he touches my heart. I know what he wants and what I should be doing, however I resist some times and try to make things work in my power, which is no power at all.

Prayer: My Lord I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice. Please take charge and guide me to the places you desire me to be, doing the things you want me to do, at the times you want them done.

Filled with Joy Because of God

Scripture: Acts 16 34 The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God-he and his whole family.

Observation: I remember when I received Jesus as my Lord and savior all the joy I was filled with and now that I have had Christ as the head of my life it should have even that much more joy, so why don’t I. My joy is still greater than before, but at times my thoughts rule my life and steal my joy. I get got up so much in the world and what I am suppose to do for money, acceptance and work I lose my focus on my God and my joy disappears.

Application: I’m only here because God has created me to be here, He is my love, my hope and my joy. Live my life for him only and focus on his desires for my life, not mine. My life is complete in him only.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for the joy you bring to me each day. Help me live for you and please you each day. May my goal be to make you proud of me by the man I am in you.

God Knows Our Heart

Scripture: Acts 15:8 God who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us.

Observation: God knows my heart even though at times I don’t. At times I don’t know what I do and why, but God does. He has accepted me and has filled me with the Holy Spirit. I’m not the same man I was before, yet I have a long way to go to be the man God wants me to be.

Application: Continue to ask God for guidance in my life and to continue to soften my heart. Strive to find the purpose in my life and fulfill it in glory and honor to the one who has formed my heart.

Prayer: My Lord at times I don’t know what to do, but you have the plan for my life. Direct my steps and guide me through this life until it is time to go home. Take charge of this servant’s heart and continue to work in me until you are pleased.

Faith That Can Be Seen

Scripture: Acts 14:9 He listened to Paul as he was speaking, Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had Faith to be healed

Observation: Imagine being able to look at someone and seeing their faith. When people look at me do they see my faith or someone worried about things of this world or joking around. Do I have faith to be healed, my back and neck are stiff I have ringing in my ears and I’m becoming so preoccupied with the problems in my life I’m not living it for God. Where is my faith?

Application: I need to live each day by faith. God gives me a day at a time and He tells me not to worry because tomorrow has enough troubles of it’s own yet I worry about the future, the present and the past, to the point it’s hard to live a life for Christ today. Make up my mind I live for Christ and not myself, that He has control not me.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and guide me through this day that I may honor and glorify you.