Category: Daily Devotional

Appointed for Eternal Life

Scripture: Acts 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

Observation: I don’t know how it happens but God appointed me for eternal life, which I don’t deserve. He never gave up on me and for some reason wanted me to spend eternity with him. What could possibly make me so special that God would want me with him forever? Nothing, his love is something I will never understand or deserve.

Application: I am here for a purpose, created specifically for my Lord. I need and want to bear fruit and fulfill all that God desires of me. To bring as many people to His loving grace and mercy and my time is running out I need to get busy.

Prayer: My God I do love you with all my heart, mind and soul even though I don’t show it and give you the obedience you deserve. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and make me this man that pleases you.

The Church Prayed

Scripture: Acts 12:5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

Observation: The whole church was praying for Peter and because of those prayers God released him from prison. Jesus said if two or more or gathered in my name there I am in the midst. Imagine the power when the church prays for something. Just yesterday Pastor Mike said he was getting very sick again and he had several people from the church pray for him and the next day he felt well. The power of prayer is amazing and when we get together as the body of Christ it is even more powerful.

Application: To pray more with the body of Christ over things that affect the church.

Prayer: Dear Lord open up doors to pray as the church to honor and glorify your name, to draw nearer to you.

To Be A Good Man

Scripture: Acts 11: [24] He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.

Observation: To have people notice I’m a good man full of the Holy Spirit and faith. Barnabus must have walked his talk and his faith was so obvious. The called him the encourager. That is the kind of man I want to be around and the man I want to be. That people can look at me and see God at work and what to be like me as I try to be like Jesus.

Application: To be that type of man I need to put God first along with all his desires for me. He wants me to be a Barnabus, a reflection of his Holy Son, but he doesn’t force me, which I wish He would at times. I need to offer this life to God and use it to fulfill the purpose He has created it for.

Prayer: Dear God I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice may it be holy and pleasing to you. Take charge and show me how to glorify you.

A Memorial Offering to God

Scripture: Acts 10:4 Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked.
The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.

Observation: I wonder if anything I do goes up as a memorial offering to God? Even now I am struggling whether to do the street evangelism tonight. Is that something that comes before God as a Memorial Offering? I would think it is because it is honoring Him. There’s not too much in a day that I do that is honoring to God. I start my day and end it in prayer and in between I read the Word, but how much of that can be considered an offering?

Application: I need to go tonight to offer this as a Memorial Offering before God, trusting Him that He will use it to glorify Him. To find things I can offer to God especially the way I live my daily life.

Prayer: Dear Lord continue to open my eyes to see what I can do to glorify your name. I am here only to serve you and fulfill the purpose you have created me for.

All who Saw Turned to the Lord

Scripture: Acts 9:35 All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.

Observation: Talking about Peter people saw him and his life represented Jesus so well that they didn’t turn to worship him but the Lord. What a long way Peter came from denying Jesus to be able to be used so powerfully that when others saw they turned to the Lord. I have come a long way from that sinner I was before Jesus was in my life, but not even close to how far Peter went, but I would like to get there or much closer than I am. I want to live a life where people see me they can see my Lord and savior in what I say and do.

Application: Each day draw closer to my goal of being a better representative for my Lord. Humble myself before others so they can see past me to Jesus. Serve and help others and make sure they don’t see me but see Jesus my Lord who healed me. That when people see me they see a follower of Christ.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all that you have and are going to do for your servant. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to live this day and every day until it’s time to go home.

Preaching the Word Everywhere

Scripture: Acts 8:4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

Observation: They preached the word wherever they went. It must have been the first thing on their heart to preach the word to others. I try to live a Christian life being the best example I can be most of the time, but I don’t preach the word, unless I’m at a Bible study or talking to Christians. The word is to bring others to Him, to explain God’s love and how to live. I don’t have to stand on the corner and read the Bible, but I can speak the word into people’s life that is appropriate for where they are. The word can comfort, encourage and give them hope.

Application: Finding opportunities to preach the word of God to the people God puts in my path. Use situations and find scripture that would be right and follow it by telling them about Jesus. Continue to read each day so I may know more scripture and help others.

Prayer: My Lord you know your servant and how weak I am. Give me strength to preach your word to others and use me to glorify your name.

Give Me the Heart of Stephen

Scripture: Acts 7:60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.

Observation: I read about Stephen and he must have really pleased God. Willing to serve the widows, strong in faith and a heart for God and others. Most of the time my thoughts are about me whether something I want or worried about what is going to happen to me. It comes down to selfishness and here is a man being killed for our Lord and yet he asked forgiveness for those killing him. I can’t even forgive those that hurt my feelings, I have such a long way to go.

Application: Ask God for a softer and kinder heart. Take the focus off me and focus on pleasing God by obeying what he wants of me. Not to hold a grudge and desire ill of someone but always have a loving heart.

Prayer: Dear Lord the things I desire to be I can’t do on my own. I’m a sinner and a self-centered man and you deserve so much more from me. Continue to change me into the likeness of your son as you did for Stephen. May you be able to look down on me and smile with pride.