Category: Daily Devotional

I want to be Like Stephen

Scripture: Acts 6:8 Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.

Observation: I would like to have the faith, courage and power that Stephen had. He must have pleased God so much by the man he chose to be. he was full of God’s grace and power because how he lived. God offers that same grace and power to each one of us but we need to accept it and put God first in our life and stand in faith that we may receive it.

Application: I want to live like Stephen by allowing God to work in my life. The wonders and miracles all are from God, but to be able to do those things we must have faith, even as small as a mustard seed. As I serve God and trust him in all things I will draw nearer and be able to experience the things Stephen did.

Prayer: My Lord increase my faith and give me the heart of Stephen, that when you look down on me it would please you. That you would give me the strength, courage and discipline it will take to live a life like Stephen.

If it’s from God

Scripture: Acts 5:39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

Observation: If it’s from God you won’t be able to stop it. The things in my life that I do for God will happen if it’s from him. I worry about not being able to fulfill my purpose that God has given me, I become lazy, worry and preoccupied, putting other things before God’s will. Put no matter what God desires to be done it will get done whether through me or someone else. It is my choice whether to be used by God or not.

Application: I do want to honor God with my life. I need to put him first in all that I do, that my purpose is to serve him and glorify his name. Organize my time so that what God wants done is top priority and realize if God wants it down it will get done.

Prayer: Dear God I am you servant, your slave, guide me to the things you desire to be done. Use me please to do these things in your name. Give me the strength, wisdom and courage to do them that I may finish this race well.

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Scripture: Acts 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people!

Observation: That is my prayer that I will be filled with the Holy Spirit and be able to speak boldly to others about Jesus. I know in my own flesh I can’t do anything good. When I pray if it wasn’t for the Holy Spirit it would just be nonsense.

Application: I want the Holy Spirit to rule my life and to take charge of it. To pray for the anointing of the Spirit in my life and that the words I speak are His. I want to fulfill my purpose but I know I can’t do it myself, it will take divine intervention of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me, baptize me in the Holy Spirit and have your way with me. Use me to touch the lives of others in your name that I will honor and glorify your name by the man I become through the power of the Holy Spirit.

By Faith in Jesus

Scripture: Acts 3 [16] By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see.

Observation: By faith in the name of Jesus there is nothing impossible and there is nothing so minor that He doesn’t reach out. It was by faith in Jesus that I was healed of a depression that kept me captive most of my life, by Jesus I have not only be restored but blessed each day, by His name I make it through each day and am guided by the Holy Spirit which was given me when I proclaimed Jesus as Lord and Savior. My faith should be huge for all the Jesus has done for me, but yet each day I find something to fear and doubt about.

Application: Stop when I start those feeling of doubt and anxiety and realize who walks with me. Remember all the things in the past that Jesus got me through and that He hasn’t moved, only my lack of faith causes me not to know he’s there.

Prayer: Dear Jesus thank you for not giving up on me even though I continue to give up on myself. Be with me today and open my eyes in how you want to work in my life.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Scripture: Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Observation: Just yesterday in our small group we were discussing the changes we experienced after we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The gift of the Holy Spirit was evident in each one of our lives. The Spirit took some things away that were sinful and then added the things of Jesus, love caring, giving, servanthood and others.

Application: It is difficult to live in the Spirit all of the time, but I need to keep trying, because that is the only way to know God’s will. I need to let the Holy Spirit have his way with me and guide me through this life. He makes me feel so close to God He fills my heart and brings me to tears of joy.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit, baptize me in the Holy Spirit that I may lead a life in glory and honor to you. Take control and use this servant as you desire. May I finish this race well in glory and honor to you.

Power of the Holy Spirit

Scripture: Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth

Observation: I have witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. When the Holy Spirit came on me when I gave my life to Christ changes happened almost immediately. I use to swear constantly and now I can’t even utter a curse word. Certain things touch my heart and I break out in tears, If I hear the Lord’s name used in vain it hurts my heart. I look at things differently I see children, the homeless and elderly in a different light and my heart goes out to them. He gave me peace in my spirit that the man I was, whom I hated now I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.

Application: I need to allow the Holy Spirit to take charge of my life. To ask for a filling of the Holy Spirit and be silent and allow him to guide me through this life each day.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and take charge of this servant of yours. Open my eyes to see the direction you desire for me and show me how to fulfill the purpose you have created me for.

No Excuses

Scripture: John 21:22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

Observation: That’s me sometimes always concerned about someone else or coveting what someone else has, instead of focusing on what I’m suppose to do. I make excuses when I know I’m not doing enough for God that others don’t do as much as I do. I sound like the Pharisee who was bragging before God instead of humbling myself saying I can’t possibly do enough to repay God for all He has given me and for as much as He loves me.

Application: There is only one person I have control of and that’s me. My focus should be on following God and doing all that I can do without being concerned about any one else. Just yesterday Teri asked can I do all the things I’ve signed up at church to do and I told her I wasn’t sure. I’m not sure because I don’t know how they are going to affect the things I want to do for myself. God is my number one priority and serving him comes first.

Prayer: Dear Lord show me how to follow you. Take me by the hand and lead me through this world in glory and honor to you. I have one purpose and that is to follow you and do your will. Help me finish the task you set before me. I love you so much, but I need your help and strength to please you.