Category: Daily Devotional

If You Believe

Scripture: Matthew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Observation: If I do my part, believe, God will do his part, answer my prayers. Why do I have such a difficult time believing when my God has been so faithful? I pray but doubt or just repeat words without emotion or concern. God has given me every reason to believe, he has done his part and much more. It’s time to do mine.

Application: To pray more earnestly, expecting God to answer in his will. Knowing that God wants the best for me and loves me. Live my life each day in faith walking closer with him. To believe!

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for being such a loving Father. You have truly blessed me and are worthy of all my love, praise and obedience. Increase my faith that I will believe. Take the distractions away from me so I may be focused on you.

Being a Servant

Scripture: Matthew 20:26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant

Observation: God calls me to be a servant like he was. I get confused at times what to do. Tonight is the Evening of Elegance for the ladies and I don’t plan to be there to help. I say to myself I wasn’t called to be there, but it’s an opportunity to serve. Lately there seems to be only a few opportunities to serve or I’m avoiding them.

Application: Seek God to guide me where to serve. I should never let pride or laziness stop me from serving. I must be ready to serve whenever the opportunity comes up.

Prayer: Dear Lord you deserve my total obedience. Order me to do what it is you desire me to do. As I serve others may it serve you. My reward is to please you.

All Things Are Possible

Scripture: Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Observation: I worry each day about so many things. As I write this I’m worried about my health to the point I making myself sicker. God has a plan and nothing is impossible for him. Whatever he desires will happen, yet I worry and focus on my problems, disregarding that my God is all powerful.

Application: Give my life totally to God and trust him with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. Know no matter what happens God can make anything possible and if what I want doesn’t happen that God chose for it not to. I am a servant of God and not visa versa and I need to trust and relax that He has everything under control.

Prayer: Dear Lord I submit to your authority and that you are in complete control and that I will live a life in a way that will honor you. Increase my faith and guide me today to be pleasing to you.

I Need to Be A Child

Scripture: Matthew 18:3 And he said, “I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.”

Observation: A child is open and trusting. They get excited and love unconditionally. That is what God is asking for us to trust him and love him. To get excited about heaven and what our Father wants to do for us. We are to grow up with our Father and his word, and always dependent on him. We are not to live this life alone we depend upon our Father always for guidance.

Application: To wake up each morning with my Father and allow him to plan my day. Always be on the lookout for Him and keep in constant communication with him during the course of the day. Be obedient in what He asks me and be thankful for all he gives me.

Prayer: Dear Father I love you and want to spend my day with you. Hold my hand and guide me through this day and show me how to bring a smile to your face.

Why Do I Have Such Little Faith

Scripture: Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith I tell you the truth if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Observation: My faith is small even though I serve a big God. He has performed miracles in my life, yet I’m afraid and worried a lot of the time. I know there are things God wants of me, yet my lack of faith stops me from even trying.

Application: God has given me gifts and abilities that he wants me to use for his glory. He is always with me and by faith they will be accomplished. I need to keep my focus on my Savior and by faith the mountains in my life will be moved and I will accomplish the purpose I was created for.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith. Open my eyes to your desires and walk with me. May this servant glorify your name with the works I do.

You Are the Christ

Scripture: Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Observation: When I became a Christian I was proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I’m suppose to be living my life with Christ as the head of my belief. To live a life glorying God. Yet the way I live my life has not changed enough. I still do what I want to do, use the precious time that God has given me for my desires and not God’s will.

Application: It’s time to live my life with Jesus being my Lord and Savior. To take the self pity from my spirit and be a true follower of Christ, giving my Lord what he deserves from me, my praise, my obedience and my time.

Prayer: Dear Lord I give you this life as a living sacrifice may it be Holy and pleasing to you. May you speak to me and that I will hear your voice on how to live this life in glory and honor to you.

My Mouth Makes Me Unclean

Scripture: Mathew 15:11 What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean.

Observation: That is a lesson that God has been teaching me, to control what I say to others. It is so easy when I get hurt to lash out at others. I know how the words of others can hurt and how the words I speak can show others the type of man I am. All that I try to show others that I belong to God can be destroyed by what comes out of my mouth.

Application: Think before I speak. Ask myself if what I’m about to say shows that I’m a child of God, will it hurt or offend someone, am I saying it to glorify myself? I could possibly say half of what I normally say in a day and listen more.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your love and the wisdom you have given me. May I use it as I speak to others, may no hurtful words come out of my mouth. Use me to love, encourage, speak the truth and glorify you.