Category: Daily Devotional

Jesus’ Compassion

Scripture: Mathew 14:14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

Observation: I look back on my life when Jesus had compassion on me. I wasn’t following him or even thinking about him, but he was always there, protecting me, supplying my needs with his grace and mercy. I will never understand why he loves me so much and why he would have compassion on this sinner, but he did and healed me.

Application: As Jesus has compassion for me I need to share that with others. My testimony of God’s love for me will open the eyes of others so they may see the compassion Jesus has for them. Each day my Lord shows me his love and compassion as he gives me another day to share.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your love and compassion. May I honor you by fulfilling the purpose you have created me for. Take this laziness away from me so I may serve you totally.

Lack of Faith

Scripture: Mathew 13:58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

Observation: Jesus still does some miracles, but because of our lack of faith he doesn’t do that many. God has done miracles in my life, but I can only imagine how much more he wants to do but my lack of faith keeps him from doing them. I want Jesus to do the miracles of opening my eyes and doors to ministry he has planned for me, but my doubt that he can use me must hold him back.

Application: That my faith would increase not in my abilities , but in my God. I know I’m here for a purpose and I can see the miracles God has used to get me where I am. I need faith that God will complete the task and use me to glorify him.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and open my eyes to your plan for my life. Please take this pride, laziness and any other thing away that is keeping me from fulfilling the purpose you have created within me.

Will of the Father

Scripture: Mathew 12:50 For whoever does the will of the Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.

Observation: Am I a relative of God? How often do I do the will of the Father? Am I distant cousin or close relative? I know my desire is to do the will of God yet my laziness and pride keep me from becoming fully effective.

Application: My only purpose here is to do the will of the Father. I was created for a mission. I can’t afford to let anything get in the way of doing my Father’s will. Each morning ask for God’s guidance throughout the day of what He desires of me and make that my top priority. Focus on my Father’s will to honor him.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to your will for my life and guide me in doing it each day that I may glorify your name. Help me Lord I’m not strong enough to do this in my power but your will be done.

An Easy Yoke

Scripture: Mathew 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Observation: Jesus died because of his love for me and he doesn’t want me to suffer carrying the burdens I chose to make. When I received Christ as my Lord and Savior, the message was to leave our burdens at the foot of the cross. The burdens were so heavy in my life I couldn’t go on. Jesus took those burdens and opened my eyes to what He wanted of me. He has been with me ever since guiding, loving and helping me.

Application: There is only one I serve in this world and if I follow his guidance he will be with me every step of the way. Stop worrying and start doing what he calls me to do. Take on the yoke of Jesus and walk side by side with him the rest of my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord my mind wanders all the time and I worry about so many things. Grab hold of me and lead me in the way you want me to go. May I live the rest of my life in glory and honor to you.

Allow the Spirit to Speak

Scripture: Mathew 10:20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

Observation: I’ve experienced those moments when words came out of my mouth that wasn’t from me. What a wonderful experience those times are when God uses me to encourage and help others. I want to experience many more moments like that, but I need to put myself in situations that God can use me. I need to step out of my comfort zone and be willing to be used.

Application: I need to look for those opportunities where God can speak through me and to step out when someone needs prayer and to be available even when it might be inconvenient. I need to speak out in the name of Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord you deserve everything I am and I ask you to use this servant to empty me out and fill me with the Holy Spirit. Help me step up and make myself usable for you.

I Must Deny Myself

Scripture: Matthew 16: 24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Observation: I spend more time worrying about myself then anything else. Currently I’m worried about losing our home and where we are going to live instead of focusing on God’s plan for my life. Until I stop thinking of me and focus on what God wants of me I will never fulfill the purpose God has for me.

Application: It’s time to follow my Lord and Savior and see where he wants to lead me. Allow God to work in me and give him everything each day. Stop focusing on me and my needs and start focusing on what God wants me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive my selfishness and self-centerness and guide me through this life to be the man you desire me to be. May I take up my cross each day and follow you all the way home. I love you and I know you know my heart, may I show the rest of the world this love.

I should be a Harvester

Scripture: Mathew 9:38 Ask the Lord of the harvest. Therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.

Observation: God calls all of us to be harvesters, to spread the gospel. So who am I harvesting for my Lord? Who am I telling about my Lord and Savior? Some times my actions and words shows my love and draws people near, but there are other times my actions are of this world and I’m no different than anyone else allowing the crop to spoil.

Application: I need to wake up each morning making my main job to bring in the crops for my Lord. No matter what I’m doing I need to do it in a manner that glorifies the Lord and embraces others to want to have what I have in the Lord.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father you are worthy of all I have. Help me to please you by bringing others near, for I know you do not want anyone to perish. Give me the knowledge, wisdom and desire to fulfill my purpose in you.