Category: Daily Devotional

I should be a Harvester

Scripture: Mathew 9:38 Ask the Lord of the harvest. Therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.

Observation: God calls all of us to be harvesters, to spread the gospel. So who am I harvesting for my Lord? Who am I telling about my Lord and Savior? Some times my actions and words shows my love and draws people near, but there are other times my actions are of this world and I’m no different than anyone else allowing the crop to spoil.

Application: I need to wake up each morning making my main job to bring in the crops for my Lord. No matter what I’m doing I need to do it in a manner that glorifies the Lord and embraces others to want to have what I have in the Lord.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father you are worthy of all I have. Help me to please you by bringing others near, for I know you do not want anyone to perish. Give me the knowledge, wisdom and desire to fulfill my purpose in you.

Why am I so Afraid

Scripture: Mathew 8:26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Observation: My faith must be weak because a day doesn’t go by that I DON’T worry about something. I live most of my life in fear, yet I don’t know what I’m afraid of. God has worked miracles in my life and yet even after experiencing these miracles I still doubt.

Application: My fear comes from a lack of faith. I need to trust my Lord with all my heart. God put this on my heart a few years ago. Proverbs 3:5, 6 and yet I still have a hard time trusting. I need to give my whole life to Christ, it’s his anyway. Every time I worry or over plan I need to stop and know Christ is with me.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith for you are trustworthy and true. I dedicate this life to you, guide me this day to glorify you. Take this fear from me and fill me with your love.

My Plank

Scripture: Matthew 7: 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Observation: Lately I’ve been doing this more, looking at the faults of others and ignoring mine. It’s most likely if I focus on others I feel better about myself and then I don’t have to change, just everyone else.

Application: Realize the only person I can change is me. I don’t have to focus on my faults, but what God asks of me. If I can become the man God calls me to be I can be an influence to others and help guide them to Christ, my example. If I stop looking at the faults of others it will be easier to love them and I will have more time focusing on living my life right.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me a kinder heart so I may please you. May I look at others with love as you do and look at ways to become more like You in my life.

Don’t Worry

Scripture: Matthew 6: [34] Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Observation: I spend so much time worrying about what might happen, I don’t enjoy the present. Today was Easter service at the beach. I was running around worrying and complaining about things I almost missed the full moon glistening on the ocean, the people surrounding me and most important why I was there. I’m writing this worrying about next week.

Application: Trust in the Lord with all my heat, I need to make plans and preparations, but the rest is up to God. If I walk in His ways He will guide me through each day. Worrying takes me away from living the life that honors God.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are my Rock, my salvation and my friend. Take my eyes off my worries and place them on You.

Let Your Light Shine

Scripture: Matthew 5: [16] In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Observation: I need to let others see my good deeds, but not as if I was responsible for them. If I do things under my power (which I can’t) people would praise me and not God. My light is the power that comes from God and my desire to share that love with others in the Father’s name.

Application: So whatever good I do, God deserves the credit and others need to see that. I should be sharing what God has done in my life, what God desires to do in theirs and point others to Jesus as Lord and savior, that is my light. I need to get off my lazy butt and start doing more good deeds in glory and honor God.

Prayer: Dear Father you deserve all my love, praise, worship and obedience. May I live today showing someone my light that comes from you.

Worship & Serve God Alone

Scripture: Matthew 4: 10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ ”

Observation: Whenever I give in to a temptation, whenever I disobey God or whenever I hurt another person I’m serving Satan. I have one God, one Lord and one master my God and I’m called to live a life in obedience to him only.

Application: Everything I do is either obeying God or sinning. Each action has a consequence. I need to put forth more thought in what I’m doing and why. Am I honoring God or not should always be the question I ask before doing anything. To live a life in obedience to my heavenly Father should always be what I’m striving for.

Prayer: Dear Father I’m here to serve and worship you only. Help me through each day and tell me what you want me to do. At the end of each day may I bring a smile to your face and have demonstrated my love for you.

Is God Well Pleased with Me?

Scripture: Matthew 3: [17] And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Observation: I know God loves me and that I’m his child, but is He well pleased. There is no reason he should be. I don’t give him enough time or bear much fruit in his name or trust in him totally the way I should. So when I see him what will he say about me? This is my child with him, I put up with, saddened, disappointed, or just look at me and turn his head.

Application: This life is not over yet as long as God continues to give me more days I can still try to please him. I need to stop living for myself however and live as Jesus did for our heavenly Father. Living a life that will glorify God so when the time comes I will know that he is well pleased with me.

Prayer: Dear Father help me be the child you called me to be. Take this laziness away and guide me down the path that will honor you. I do love you even though at times I don’t show it draw me nearer and speak to me.