I should be a Harvester
Scripture: Mathew 9:38 Ask the Lord of the harvest. Therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.
Observation: God calls all of us to be harvesters, to spread the gospel. So who am I harvesting for my Lord? Who am I telling about my Lord and Savior? Some times my actions and words shows my love and draws people near, but there are other times my actions are of this world and I’m no different than anyone else allowing the crop to spoil.
Application: I need to wake up each morning making my main job to bring in the crops for my Lord. No matter what I’m doing I need to do it in a manner that glorifies the Lord and embraces others to want to have what I have in the Lord.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father you are worthy of all I have. Help me to please you by bringing others near, for I know you do not want anyone to perish. Give me the knowledge, wisdom and desire to fulfill my purpose in you.