Category: Daily Devotional

Who is Man?

Scripture: Hebrews 2: [6] But there is a place where someone has testified:

“What is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

Observation: I wonder a lot, why would God care so much for us? There is a song that says because we are His, that’s why He cares. God has done so much and His doing so much for me, I feel as if I’m the most important person in His life, even though I know He treats all of His children the same.

Application: As I feel that I’m so important to God, more importantly I need to make God the most important thing in my life. I need to focus on what God desires of me and then do it. As I know God takes care of me I need to take care of the things God places before me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your love and the way you watch over me and my family, put on my heart and mind what you desire of me.

God Spoke through His Son

Scripture: Hebrews 1: [2] but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.

Observation: God has spoken through Jesus and Jesus speaks to us today through the Holy Spirit and by God’s words Jesus has told us He is the only way to the Father and He has given us work to do while we are here.

Application: Jesus has made it clear the things we are to do to spread the gospel, help the poor, be part of the church and so much more. When I do something I need to ask, is this what Jesus would want me to do and will it honor Him and fulfill the purpose He has given me.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes and heart and speak to me. Show me how to live this life in glory and honor to you.

Sharing My Faith

Scripture: Philemon [6] I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Observation: Am I active in sharing my faith? I may bring it up when convenient, but I don’t feel as if I go out of my way to share my faith. God gave me one job to spread the gospel and I can do that by being active in sharing my faith. I had an opportunity to share a little bit during an interview for a job. After doing that I drove home full of the love of God. If I’m more active, God will give me a better understanding on the things He wants me to do.

Application: I need to live the life of a true Christian, then look for each opportunity to share my faith and testimony to others. Then be still and wait and listen to my Lord that I may know every good thing.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me courage, strength and knowledge to share my faith with those who may not know you. Help me fulfill the purpose of this life in glory and honor to You.

I’m Saved

Scripture: Titus 3: [5] he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,

Observation: God saved me because of His love and mercy. I don’t deserve it and there is nothing I could do to be worthy. He saved me then He changed me by the Holy Spirit. There is nothing good about me, I’m a sinner. For some reason God has chosen me and saved me from eternal punishment, which I deserve, by the way I treated Him and others.

Application: I need to start acting more like a child of God with gratitude for all He has done for me. I should be telling others about what the Lord has done for me and fulfill the purpose of what God has in store for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your love and mercy, for your grace and provision. Guide me to fulfill the purpose you have created me for in glory and honor to You.

Show Integrity

Scripture: Titus 2: [7] In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness [8] and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.

Observation: No matter where I am or what I’m doing I need to be an example of a follower of Christ. It doesn’t matter what people are doing to me, I need to honor God. I need to show integrity and know what I’m talking about before I open my mouth. I need to live my life in a way that no one can say anything bad about me whether they like me or not.

Application: Always be upbeat, there is no reason I shouldn’t be. I’m a child of God and have eternal life with my Lord and nothing on this earth should get me down. Watch what I say and not be negative.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m yours show me how to be this man you created me to be. Open my eyes and heart to please you.

The Reason I’m Here

Scripture: Titus 1: 5 The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.

Observation: I can almost hear God say, “The reason I left you here was.” I tried so many times to leave this place in my life and only God could have stopped me. God stopped me because He has a plan for my life, something I never had. He has guided me to writing, counseling and small group ministries. He has led me to do other events for His glory. He’s not done with me yet.

Application: To be quiet and listen to see where God is leading me. To be obedient to what God puts on my heart and make that the top priority in my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord speak to me and guide me on this journey. Help me complete the tasks you put before me in Jesus name.

Preach the Word

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4: [2] Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage–with great patience and careful instruction.

Observation: This is the call to all Christians to spread the gospel. Even though each one of us will be called to do it in a different way the end result is the same. I need to be prepared with my eyes open for each opportunity. I need to be prepared with a soft heart and love for others so when the time comes I will do it in a way that honors God.

Application: Get better in my Bible study. Concentrate harder and learn how God wants me to spread the gospel. Keep in prayer to be guided by God. Live a life to get the crown of righteousness, because that would honor God.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my heart to what would please you. Give me the opportunity to spread the gospel in glory and honor to your name.