Category: Daily Devotional

Preach the Word

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4: [2] Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage–with great patience and careful instruction.

Observation: This is the call to all Christians to spread the gospel. Even though each one of us will be called to do it in a different way the end result is the same. I need to be prepared with my eyes open for each opportunity. I need to be prepared with a soft heart and love for others so when the time comes I will do it in a way that honors God.

Application: Get better in my Bible study. Concentrate harder and learn how God wants me to spread the gospel. Keep in prayer to be guided by God. Live a life to get the crown of righteousness, because that would honor God.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my heart to what would please you. Give me the opportunity to spread the gospel in glory and honor to your name.

A Man of God

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3: [17] so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Observation: That is what I want to be, “a man of God.” I remember a story about a football player they named “MOG”(Man of God), because he didn’t compromise his faith. That is what I want to be known as by the people who know me. It has been on my heart to get busy for God and start fulfilling my purpose to do good works.

Application: I need to continue to read my Bible and really study and understand what is in the Bible. I need to get thoroughly equipped. God has put on my heart small groups, counseling and to finish rewriting my book and yet I spend very little time doing any of it. I need to devote myself on accomplishing what God has given me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord show me how to be thoroughly equipped to do the work you call me to do. Give me success in being the man of God you want me to be.

An Instrument for Noble Purpose

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2: [21] If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

Observation: Before I can be used as an instrument for God there are things I need to cleanse myself of. I need to cleanse myself from greed, anger, laziness, pride, lying, lustful thoughts and so much more. I can’t present myself before God covered in sin. I need to choose to separate myself from sin and glorify God.

Application: I need to be constantly aware of what I’m thinking and doing. I need to make right decisions and focus on how to honor God. My goal is to be that vessel that God can use for good works.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me be this vessel you desire me to be. Prepare me to do good works in glory and honor to you.

A Spirit of Power

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1: [7] For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Observation: Why am I afraid so much when God offers me power? Most likely because I don’t accept the gift He gives me. When someone gives you something all you need to do is receive it, but you can also decide not to receive it, and that is what I do at times, refuse the gifts the Lord gives me.

Application: I need to receive what God gives me with Thanksgiving and praise, then use it each day. I have a gift of power, love and self discipline I need to use in my living and for God to fulfill the plan He has for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I receive what You give me. Thank you for your love and all You do for me, may I use it in glory and honor to You.

A Spirit of Power

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1: [7] For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Observation: Why am I afraid so much when God offers me power? Most likely because I don’t accept the gift He gives me. When someone gives you something all you need to do is receive it, but you can also decide not to receive it, and that is what I do at times, refuse the gifts the Lord gives me on a daily basis.

Application: I need to receive what God gives me with Thanksgiving and praise, then use it each day. I have a gift of power, love and self discipline I need to use it in my life and for God to fulfill the plan He has for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I receive what You give me. Thank you for your love and all You do for me, may I use it in glory and honor to You.

Fight the Good Fight

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6: [12] Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Observation: To have faith for me sometimes is a battle. I’m still so much in the flesh I get wrapped up in this life and I lose site of God. I get so focused on my problems I loose site of my problem solver and the reason I’m here. Even now with the problems at my work I’m trying to force things and looking at the worst scenario instead of having faith that God has something more for me.

Application: Trust in God with all my heart lean not on my own understanding. Do what I feel God is calling me to do, make sure my decision line up with His word and live each day by faith.

Prayer: My God increase my faith. Help me focus on you and your desires for my life. May I wait on you and be at peace as I wait.

Giving Honor to Pastor

Scripture: 1 Timothy 5: 17 The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.

Observation: I criticize more then compliment the pastors at my church. It is so easy to find fault because I compare what is done to what I would do. God has ordained the pastors and elders to fulfill a purpose and my responsibility is to honor and assist in any way I can.

Application: Instead of judging, I need to support. If I get into a conversation with someone and negative thoughts are expressed I need to either stop the conversation or support my church leaders. God has put my pastor and elders above me so I may learn and they deserve my allegiance and respect.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart and my tongue. Guide me before I would say anything negative, may I be an encourager and not a discourager.