Category: Daily Devotional

God’s Good Pleasure

Scripture: Ephesians 1: [9] And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,

Observation: Doing God’s will pleases him. That is why he created us to follow his will. I know what he desires and how to live this life in glory and honor to him, but I rarely choose the right path. I get so involved in my desires some times God takes a back seat.

Application:. Make my goal in life to please God. Understand his will for my life and fulfill it making it my top priority and not an after thought. Pray each morning for God’s direction and that I would bring a smile to his face each day, making him glad that he created me.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide me today in what would please you. Help me make my life a gift to you that brings you joy.

Always Do Good

Scripture: Galatians 6: [9] Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Observation: That is my problem I become weary in doing good. Not that I have done that much good, but I lose interest. My focus always goes back to myself and the idea of rest overcomes any activity. Even when I plan to do good it’s a struggle to keep on course, because of laziness to do nothing.

Application: My main focus or job should be to do good. To be a blessing to others as Jesus has been in my life. It should always be a joy and not a burden to do good for someone and especially someone in need.

Prayer: Dear Lord I need your strength to do right. Help me do what is right in your sight through your strength.

Love Your Neighbor

Scripture: Galatians 5: [14] The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Observation: I always seem to have all I need and more. I do what I want to do for the most part and take care of me. I seem to love myself okay, but what about others? Do I even care, let alone love? Most of the time my focus is on me. Yesterday Teri and I drove up to see a dear brother in the VA hospital to show him God’s love and it was wonderful to get out of my comfort zone and show someone else the love I give myself.

Application: There is so many people around me that need to have a little love, affection and care. I need to get past the laziness and make a greater effort to express God’s love to everyone around me.

Prayer: Dear Lord only through your power can I love my neighbor as myself. Strengthen me and open my eyes to the opportunities to express love to others.

I’m a son

Scripture: Galatians 4: [7] So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

Observation: How unbelievable that I’m a son of God through the sacrifice of Jesus. As a son however I should be loving and obedient. I’ve come a long way from before Jesus saved me, but I’m not even close to being the man I should be. As a son I should be introducing my Father to my friends and acquaintances. I should be following in my Father’s footsteps.

Application: It’s time I act like a loving son and show my Father my appreciation for all He has done for me. As Jesus said, when He was 12, it was time to go about and do His Father’s business.

Prayer: Dear Father guide your son to what would please you. I love you Abba and forgive me for not showing you all the time.

Clothed with Christ

Scripture: Galatians 3: [27] for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

Observation: I’m baptized into Christ and have the desire to fulfill the purpose He has given me, but lack the drive. I am clothed with Christ so that He surrounds me, protects me and loves me and there is nothing that I can’t do with Him by my side. Put do my new cloths show? They should be able to see my Lord and Savior, but do I show off my cloths to others?

Application: I want more faith. I need to be confident that Jesus is always with me and if I let Him, He will guide me through the desires of His heart for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for all that you give me, but most of all that you are always there. May I show off my wardrobe of righteousness and guide others to you.

Because of Me?

Scripture: Galatians 1: [24] And they praised God because of me.

Observation: Does anyone praise God because of me? I’m suppose to be living a life honoring God. If I was I would be loving, giving, caring for others and pointing them to God. I looked back at the last few weeks and can’t think of one instance that anyone would praise God because of me. It wouldn’t take a lot to reach out and contact someone, help someone with a chore, give money to someone in need without them asking, invite someone over for dinner or to show someone that my heart belongs to God.

Application: Stop just passing by people and start looking at them with the heart of God. Look for small opportunities to help or to smile and greet a stranger. Be more aware of my neighbors and find ways to help get out of my comfort zone and share God’s love.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for all you give me, may I share it with others in glory and honor to you.

Aim for Perfection

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13: 11 Finally, brothers, good-by. Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

Observation: I aim for mediocrity and usually hit the target. I barely get by and my walk with God seems to get slower. I know in my heart the things God desires, but my laziness, my own selfish desires seem to take over. God gave me perfection and all He has, yet I repay Him by giving what I want, not what He requires.

Application: Aim for perfection. Set my sights higher and plan how to succeed for God. Give God more of my time, love, talents and obedience. My thought life should be focused on the things of God not me. I need to get my distractions away and be focused on why I’m here.

Prayer: Dear Lord I need you to make me a better servant for you. Place in my heart the bulls eye of perfection, may I always aim for the prize of pleasing You.