Category: Daily Devotional

Watching Out for Satan

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11: [14] And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Observation: I need to be careful because sometimes things seem to look good, but there not. I’ve been led astray with the combination of something seeming good and my desires to do it. If it was obviously not right I would turn from it, but Satan is clever and He knows how to push my buttons.

Application: Just because something appears to be okay doesn’t mean it is. I need to pray about it, ask myself why I want it. If it comes back as a selfish reason and not God honoring I need to back away. My purpose is to point others to Christ, help others, be a good steward and servant if the decisions in my life are not focused around these things, they’re wrong.

Prayer: My Lord keep me away from Satan schemes and open my eyes to your desires.

Boast in the Lord

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10: [17] But, “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.”

Observation: Unfortunately my boasting is about me most of the time. I forget whatever I have or can do only comes from God. God deserves any credit for anything I might accomplish. To often I seek the praise of man, which wouldn’t bee too bad if I then pointed them to God who allows me to do the things I do.

Application: I need to be more humble in the things I do. I need to boast about my Lord and Savior and all He has done for me and through me. My love for God should be so obvious that after talking to me they should know God a little better.

Prayer: Dear Lord you deserve all my love, obedience, praise and time. Show me Lord how to live my life in glory and honor to You.

Abounding in Grace

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9: [8] And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Observation: God has given us grace, abilities, has taken care of our needs and everything else it takes to do good works. Not just every once in awhile, but all the time in every good work. We have no excuse not to do good things in glory and honor to God. It is not by our abilities that we accomplish these things, but by God, all He needs is a willing heart.

Application: To have that willing heart all the time, not just when I want to do something. God has given me His all, all the time, the least I can do is be obedient. I need to honor God by being available all the time to His calling.

Prayer: Dear Lord show me how to give my all to You. Take this laziness away and give me the heart of a loving servant.

Doing What is Right

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8: [21] For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.

Observation: Why should I care to do things right in the eyes of men? I am here to be a representative for Christ. Paul won the hearts of men so he could preach the gospel, otherwise no one would have listened. I need to be like Christ doing what is right, loving and caring to draw people to Him. My actions should prove to others I belong to God.

Application: Whatever I do, God is always watching and so are other people. Stop trying to get the praise of others and focus on how my actions and speech so it honors God.

Prayer: Dear Lord only with you can I become this man you desire me to be. Apart from you I can do nothing. Guide me each moment and show me how to honor you.

Godly Sorrow

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 7: [10] Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

Observation: If I’m truly sorry that I did something against God’s will and feel it hurt Him I will try much harder not to do it again. Also I should be more aware not to do anything that would offend God. On the other hand worldly sorrow is feeling bad because you got caught, which just leads to ways to do the same thing over but only to be more careful I don’t get caught.

Application: First think before I even take any action, whether it is right or wrong. Be careful of what I say, making sure it is the truth and said for the right reason. However when I do or say something that is not honoring to God, beg for forgiveness right away.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me to be a better man in glory and honor to you. Forgive me of my sinful ways and draw me closer to you.

Possessing Everything

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6: [10] sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

Observation: This is the way a true Christian should be if they have the faith God calls us to have. God has been so faithful to me, yet I doubt. I should always be rejoicing instead I get self centered, I am not poor, yet I don’t do my part to help others the way God calls me to. I do possess everything, because God has loved and gave me salvation through His son.

Application: I need to be a better Christian. Stop focusing on myself, but focus on the God who loves me. Show others what God has done for me. Start being God’s instrument for others. Reach out and introduce others to their God.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for all you’ve done and are doing for me. Show me how to be a blessing to others in your name.

A New Creation

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5: [17] Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Observation: I need to be in Christ not just call myself a Christian. In Christ I will be filled with love for God and others. I would not be selfish, but giving, I will not be self centered, I would truly be a new creation. Even though I’m much different then I was I still have a long way to go.

Application: To be in Christ and focus on being more like my Lord each day and make an effort to be different.

Prayer: Dear Lord take charge and change this servant’s heart and mind to glorify you.