Category: Daily Devotional

Preaching Boldly

Scripture: Acts 28: [31] Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Observation: Paul did what Jesus calls each one of us to do, preach the Kingdom of God boldly and without hindrance. We are all called to do it in a different way, but there is no doubt about our mission. I can’t count how many times I shriek of my duties to God and elect to be silent instead of speaking out boldly to others.

Application: I need to realize what happens to others when I don’t tell them about Jesus and His saving grace. The bible tells me if I tell someone about Christ and they refuse it, it is on them, but if I don’t tell them it is on me.

Prayer: My Lord give me courage to speak boldly in your name that there will be no one you put in my path that doesn’t hear about you from my lips or sees you in my actions.

Become a Christian

Scripture: Acts 26: 29 Paul replied, “Short time or long–I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”

Observation: When I speak do I say words that will encourage others to become what I am? Not very often do I speak so others so they might be saved and when I do it’s usually to other Christians where it’s safe.

Application: Today I will have an opportunity to be around people I never met. Most it appears will not be Christians. I need to take any opportunity I have to speak in a way to draw others to God. I should share my testimony and explain what God has done for me and He wants to do the same thing for them.

Prayer: Dear Lord use me as an instrument to please you. To bring your children home to you. Give me courage and wisdom to say the right thing. Open my eyes and put someone in my path whom I may tell of your never ending love.

Jesus Is Not Dead

Scripture: Acts 25: [19] Instead, they had some points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive.

Observation: Paul claimed Jesus was alive to the Roman court. Who am I proclaiming Jesus is alive to? How often do the people around me know the story of Jesus’ love, suffering for us and resurrection. It’s not enough that people know I’m a Christian if they don’t know what a Christian is.

Application: I need to find opportunities to share the gospel and what it is all about. Unless people understand what Jesus is all about and what they need to do to receive Him and have eternal life my purpose in being here is useless.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m tired of being useless for you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and use me to serve you and to tell others about you and what you’ve done for me.

How’s My Conscience?

Scripture: Acts 24: [16] So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.

Observation: This is an area in my life I need to work more at. To do the right thing so that I don’t have to worry about it. When I talk is it encouraging or am I criticizing someone or something. Are my words kind and truthful or do I have to worry that I will be caught in a lie or hurt someone?

Application: Think before I act. Will my actions honor God and be right with others. Will what I do represent Christ to others through honesty, love and kindness. Stop focusing on myself and live for God by serving others in this way and my conscience will be clear.

Prayer: Dear Lord direct my steps in all that I do. I am a sinner and only through your power can I be the man you desire me to be.

Take Courage!

Scripture: Acts 23: 11 The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”

Observation: The Lord is constantly by my side and tells me to take courage. With God by my side why do I worry so much? What is going on around me that the Lord can’t handle? The Lord has given me a purpose in my life and the only thing that gets in the way is me, my fear, lack of faith, laziness and the desire to do my will over His.

Application: It is each Christian’s responsibility to testify to others about Jesus. To share our testimony to others on how God has saved us and wants to save them. He gives me courage and I need to use it in glory and honor to Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me courage this day to fulfill the purpose you have created within me. May I make no excuses but be guided by you this day.

To Know His Will

Scripture: Acts 22: 14 “Then he said: `The God of our fathers has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth.

Observation: I have been chosen to know God’s will. What a privilege that my Lord would choose me, sinner to know His will. He saved me for this day and hand picked me for a special purpose. I may not hear it directly from His mouth, but He makes it clear to me through His word what He wants. One day I will see the Righteous One and kneel before Him.

Application: Just because I know His will doesn’t mean I always do it. My main reason for being here is to do the will of my Father, everything else is a distant second.

Prayer: My Lord, guide me and show me the things you desire today. I am yours use me as you will.

The Lord’s Will Be Done

Scripture: Acts 21: [14] When he would not be dissuaded, we gave up and said, “The Lord’s will be done.”

Observation: How easy is it for me to be dissuaded or distracted from the Lord’s will. Most of the time I don’t need anyone’s help I get distracted all by myself. Usually from laziness or self interest, it normally doesn’t take much. Even now my thoughts wander about things of this worldI as I try to write .

Application: I know what the Lord’s will is for my life and I know when I’m out of His will. I need to put in my best effort in being in God’s will at all times. To realize what I’m doing during the course of the day and to make sure I’m doing it to honor God. My mission statement for my life should be, “The Lord’s Will be done.”

Prayer: My Lord open my heart to your will and give me the knowledge and wisdom to know your will and the strength and courage to do it.