Jesus’ Compassion
Scripture: Matthew 14: [14] When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
Observation: I remember before I was saved how many times Christ compassion saved me. He must have looked down on me so many times and no matter what I did He still reached out to heal me. Even now His love and compassion gets me through each day.
Application: I need to realize Jesus compassion for me and be able to extend that compassion to others in His name. If someone is hurting I need to reach out and listen, if someone wrongs me I need to think of how I wronged Jesus most of my life and with compassion forgive and help them. I need to be more like Christ.
Prayer: My Lord I love you and thank you for not giving up on me. Give me the love and strength to show your compassion for me to others.