Category: Daily Devotional

Acknowledging Jesus

Scripture: Luke 12:8 “I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.

Observation: How often in a day do I acknowledge God before people? Do I let them use His name in vain without saying anything? How many times do I say His name in appreciation? Do the people around me know how I feel about my Lord and Savior? Do people what to be introduced to Him by observing me?

Application: I need to be a better witness for Jesus. I need to seek opportunities to tell others about my Lord and Savior. I need to be a better example of what a follower of Jesus should be.

Prayer: My Lord give me an opportunity to acknowledge you before others. Give me that heart to honor you.

Obeying God

Scripture: Luke 11: 28 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Observation: I continue to read each day and do the In Touch to hear the Word of God. Do I obey? Sometimes I feel good about obeying, then I think of all the times that I’m disobedient, when I decide to sleep in, instead of walking and praying, when I watch TV instead of reading or writing, when I put my desires above others.

Application: I need to continue to read and understand God’s Word, but I need to put it into practice. My goal should be to be obedient each day with my thoughts, time, money and actions.

Prayer: My Lord I love you. May I show my love by being obedient to you, fulfilling your purpose in my life.

Go and Do Likewise

Scripture: Luke 10: 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

Observation: Jesus commands me to help others, to reach out putting the needs of others above mine. Every once in a while I’ll stop to give money to someone begging, but most of the time I pass by. I make sure I have enough before giving to someone else instead of trusting God to provide and obey Him.

Application: I need to increase my faith by being generous to others in giving of the resources God has given me and my time. I should look at everyone as an opportunity to honor God. Who knows I might be entertaining angels.

Prayer: My Lord take this selfishness from my heart. May I be generous in your name, giving out of love and trusting you.

The Greatness of God

Scripture: Luke 9: [43] And they were all amazed at the greatness of God.
While everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did, he said to his disciples,

Observation: I should be amazed each day by the greatness of God. I should look around me at all He has created and drop down on my knees in humble praise to my Creator. I should be amazed that the God of all creation has a personal interest in my life. Once I appreciate His greatness and live in awe of Him will I be able to live a life honoring Him.

Application: I need to realize who I serve every day and know in my heart how great He is. That He has everything under control no matter how out of control I think things are. Each day live in amazement of God’s greatness.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes each day to your greatness. Place in my heart your love and may your servant honor you this day.

Seeing the Light

Scripture: Luke 8: 16 “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.

Observation: Where is my light most of the time? Do I hide it at work when I get upset or anxious? Do I hide it at home when I get angry or selfish? At church when I am prideful or gossip? When do I let my light shine?

Application: I am called to be a light to this world, to point others to Jesus. In every situation I should act accordingly to the way that would glorify God. I should always be loving, controlled, compassionate so that others may see the light of Christ in me.

Prayer: My Lord turn up my light that others will see. That after I meet someone they would know I belong to you. May I not hide my light in any situation.

Don’t Cry

Scripture: Luke 7: [13] When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”

Observation: I look back on my life and can see when my Lord’s heart when out to me. Even before I gave my life to Him, He was always there for me. I can remember so many times when I gave up and would be curled up crying, wishing to die, He must have been saying, “Don’t cry.” Even to this day with all of my thoughts racing through my head, anxiety and fear fill my heart, He is there to comfort me and bring me peace.

Application: Before I get to the point where I want to give up I need to stop and pray, then wait and feel my Lord’s heart and listen to His words. “I’m here don’t cry, don’t give up.”

Prayer: Dear Lord I know you’re near and I know you love me. Help me be a better man for you. Guide me this day open my eyes to see your open arms.

Doing What God Says

Scripture: Luke 6: 46 “Why do you call me, `Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?

Observation: God places his desires on my heart, yet because of my selfishness and laziness I don’t always do what He says. It’s so much easier to do what I want to do and when. God has a purpose for my life and not until I do what He wants me to do will I accomplish it.

Application: I need to be quiet and listen to God. When I know what He desires I need to do it. Jesus is my Lord and I need to obey, to honor Him and complete the work He desires me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord, for you are my Lord, speak to me help me be obedient in all you desire of me.