Category: Daily Devotional

Not My Will but Yours

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Mark 14: [36] “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Observation: I’m suppose to be getting more like Jesus, my life is suppose to reflect the love of my Savior. So why do I continue to do my will instead of God’s? I was created to do God’s will and fulfill a purpose that He has created me for, yet I continue to disrupt His plan by doing what I want and leading an empty life.

Application: I may not know God’s exact purpose in my life, but by His word I know his will. I need to make sure my actions, thoughts and speech reflect my Lord’s will in my life.

Prayer: Abba fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to live this life in glory and honor to you. That your will, will be done.

The Holy Spirit Speaking

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: [11] Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

Observation: There has been several times when I talk the words that come out of my mouth are not mine. The Holy Spirit has been able to encourage others, pray and give Biblical advice through me. It is the most wonderful thing being used by the Holy Spirit and hearing the words come out of my mouth.

Application: Make myself more available to be used by the Holy Spirit. Keep in prayer and by faith speak out when I know when God wants to use me.

Prayer: My Lord your servant is available anytime you want me. Speak through me to others, use me to glorify you.

Love the Lord

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Mark 12: [30] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

Observation: God is not asking for a partial love or even most of our love He requires all. All our heart, soul, mind and strength and He deserves it. He has given His all to us and to give any less would be an act of ungratefulness. I wish I could say I give God what He deserves, but I fall so short each day. My thoughts end up in things of the world and myself.

Application: Any time my thoughts or actions drift away from honoring God I need to stop and beg for His forgiveness and pray for His direction. Everything I do must show my love for God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.

Prayer: Dear Lord I love you more then anything. Keep my heart soft, my soul saved, my mind fixed on you and give me the strength to glorify you this day.

Ask For In Prayer

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Mark 11: [24] Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Observation: Each day I pray for my wife, family, church and myself. My problem is I don’t pray then believe I will receive it. My faith is weak, I believe God can do anything, I just lack the believe he’ll do it for me. He has proven his love over and over again and has worked miracles in my life, yet when I pray I hope he’ll answer, but I don’t believe for sure He will.

Application: I need to pray with faith and knowing God will answer my prayer according to his will and in his time. Each miracle Jesus performed was according to the faith of the person. I need to have the faith it will take for answered prayer.

Prayer: My Lord you have been so loving to this servant of yours. Show me now how to live this life in glory and honor to you. May I always pray in faith knowing that you will answer.

Receiving Like a Child

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Mark 10: [15] I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

Observation: A little child trusts and believes. They have no stress and their minds are not preoccupied with the world and what they need to do. It’s easy to make a child laugh and they want your company. A child can sit and listen to a story and likes hugs and to be held tight. A child needs to know they’re loved and freely gives love back.

Application: That’s how I need to be with my heavenly Father, trusting, loving, listening, desiring His love and to be able to sit still and listen.

Prayer: My Lord give me the heart of a child. Open to you, may I sit by your side and listen to what you have for me.

Everything is Possible

Scripture: Mark 9: 23 ” `If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

Observation: It seems the scriptures that deal with faith speak out to me. God keeps telling us that nothing is impossible for us who believe. He has shown that in my life, yet my faith is still so weak, why? How can I get that confidence in my Lord and Savior? I believe in my Lord and that there is nothing He can’t do, but my question is why would He want to do it for me?

Application: God has a plan for my life and He wants to work through me for His glory. This life is not about me, but bringing others to Him. When I believe that then all things are possible because He will then work out His will for my life, because He loves me.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to your will and take charge of this life. Complete the task you began in me and complete it for your glory.

Saving My Life

Scripture: Mark 8: [35] For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.

Observation: I continue to want to do things my way focusing on the things of this world. I pray God’s direction but I don’t hear Him because I’m so busy thinking of other things. I tell God I want to do His will yet I continue doing mine. I have but one purpose in this life and it can only be fulfilled through Christ. My pastor told me yesterday I have the gift of evangelism yet I don’t use it.

Application: I need to start doing more things for Christ and let Him speak to me as I’m doing them. I don’t hear Him on the couch watching TV or busy doing things in this world, only when I’m serving or when I’m quite meditating on His word.

Prayer: My Lord I offer you this life as a living sacrifice. Use it as you will, may you fulfill your purpose for me and may I complete this race in glory and honor to You.