Category: Daily Devotional

Jesus is Sending Me

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 20: 21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

Observation: Jesus is telling us what we are suppose to do , our purpose. He is sending every Christian to spread His word to the rest of the world. We’ll each have a different way of doing it and gifts and talents He wants us to use, but the end result is to spread the gospel.

Application: I need to make spreading the gospel my number one responsibility. Everything I do, the way I act, the things I say should glorify God. Each day I need to pray that God will show me how to spread His word to others.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me the strength and wisdom to do the things you desire of me. May I complete the race well in glory and honor to you.

Who Has the Power Over Me?

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 19: 11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

Observation: I need to realize as a child of God and a follower of Christ, God is looking over me. If something happens, God knows and allows it. He has complete power over me and I need to trust that. When things appear to go wrong I need to pray and search what God is showing me.

Application: I need to make myself available to God and realize He has complete power and authority in my life. The only reason I exist is because of God and He has a plan and a purpose for my life. The only thing that can happen to me is what God allows.

Prayer: My lord, my creator, my God take charge of this servant and open my eyes to the desires of your heart.

Are You A Disciple?

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 18: 17 “You are not one of his disciples, are you?” the girl at the door asked Peter.
He replied, “I am not.”

Observation: The way I act and the things I say or think sometimes is the same as denying Jesus. I don’t have to say the words but if people see me and doubt I’m a Christian then I’m denying Jesus.

Application: To live a life that others would not doubt but be drawn nearer to my Lord and Savior. That my actions and words are that of a servant pointing others to Christ. Taking every opportunity to tell someone what Jesus has done in my life and point them to Him. To fulfill my purpose guiding others.

Prayer: Dear Lord I do belong to you. Make it obvious to those you place around me. May your light shine through me so others may see.

God’s Protection

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 17: [15] My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.

Observation: Jesus prayed for me that God the Father would protect me from the evil one. I know Jesus prayers are always answered since He prays the will of the Father. Knowing I’m protected from Satan should eliminate my fear and give me confidence that I’m protected by God. So why am I so worried and filled with anxiety each day?

Application: I need to live my life victoriously through Christ. Confident in my savior that no matter what might happen I am protected by His blood and love. That if anything might happen that there is a reason and I should search for what God wants me to learn.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for my protection from the evil one. I do belong to you, show me this day how I may accomplish the purpose you have created me for.

My Joy Will Be Complete

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 16: [24] Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Observation: All of my life I was seeking happiness (joy) I looked everywhere but God to find this joy and never did. Now all I want from God is to do His will and complete the purpose He has given me. That is what gives me joy. To be in His will and know I’m honoring Him.

Application: To work harder to get rid of this laziness about me that keeps me form doing God’s will. To press on in the counseling ministry, to set goals in doing things like the prayer table by the beach, to speak how God has delivered me from depression and to come up with ways to serve the church.

Prayer: Dear God I ask in Jesus name to guide me, to fulfill my purpose in this life that my joy would be complete, my talents would be multiplied and your name honored

My Father’s Glory

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 15:8] This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Observation: The only reason I exist is to bring glory to the Father. He is my creator and everything I have and am is His. It is not good enough to tell Him I love Him if I don’t show it. I need to show my Father and others I love and belong to Him. The only way I can do this is using my gifts, talents and love to do for others in His name. I shouldn’t have to say a word for others to see I belong to God.

Application: To continue to use my gifts, talents and time for God’s glory. To bear fruit in this world to honor God and to get off my butt and get busy serving.

Prayer: My Lord open my eyes to the opportunities to bear fruit for you. May there be a harvest in my life that will feed others.

Trust in God

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 14: 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

Observation: That is why my heart is troubled so often because of my lack of trust. I continue to over think every situation, worrying about what to do without considering the fact that God has everything under control. Jesus died for me that I may have eternal life and a better life on earth. He deserves my praise, obedience, love and trust.

Application: I need to let go and let God take charge of my life. He has a purpose and a reason why I exist and unless I trust Him completely with my life I may never discover the joy of fulfilling God’s purpose in my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith that I will trust you completely and live this life in glory and honor to you.