Category: Daily Devotional

A Loving Disciple

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 13: [35] By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Observation: Can people look at me and see that I am one of Jesus’ disciples by the way I love others? No, I gossip, criticize, make judgments, am impatient and rude at times. I choose who I want to love and who I’m distant with.

Application: I need to make a stronger effort to love the ones I have a hard time liking. There is no reason that Jesus should have loved me, I was self centered, greedy, rude, unloving, yet through all that He loved me.

Prayer: My Lord help me, fill me with your love and give me strength to love everyone you put in my path. May I see them the way you see them.

Serving Christ

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 12: [26] Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Observation: So how do I serve Jesus? By doing what He commands me to do. Jesus doesn’t suggest what I should do He gives me directions on how I need to live my life. I need to watch my actions, love, obey His word and bring others to Him. I must serve others in glory and honor to Him.

Application: Whatever I do I must think of it as serving Christ. Before I do something or say anything I must ask myself how does this serve Jesus?

Prayer: Dear Lord may I honor the Father this day by my service to you.

Believe to See His Glory

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 11: :40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”

Observation: Why is it so difficult for me to believe? God has shown Himself to be faithful, true, loving and caring yet I have difficulty believing with all my heart. Not until I believe and trust Him and give my Lord the obedience and love He deserves will I be able to see His glory in my life.

Application: No matter what happens to me in every situation I need to believe God is working in me and to trust Him completely. I need to grow my faith in my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord I believe in you, help me with my unbelief. The areas in my thoughts that are weak, strengthen me to be the servant you call me to be.

Jesus Gave Me Life

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 10: [10] The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Observation: The thief, Satan, was in my life and did just that killed and destroyed me. It wasn’t until Jesus came into my life that I wanted to live. He changed my thoughts, He comforted me, He gave me a reason to live, He gave me life on earth and a promise of eternal life with Him forever.

Application: I can’t let the devil get a foothold on me anymore. Whenever my thoughts stray I need to be focused on my Lord and Savior, for He is the one that loves me and gives me life.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am yours and guide me through this journey that I may glorify you. For only you can give me life to the full.

May the Work of God Be Displayed

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 9: 3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.

Observation: I know I’ve sinned and continue to sin even though I belong to Christ. I think of all that has happened in my life and especially my depression and I realize this has happened so that the work of God can be displayed in my life. People need to see what God has done for me and know the miracle He has worked in my life.

Application: I need to tell others about how God has and is working in my life. That is my purpose to tell others about the gospel of Christ and to be a living witness of His love and power.

Prayer: My dear Lord use me to glorify your name. May others see your love and power in my life.

I Can’t Throw a Stone

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 8: [7] When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Observation: I seem to throw stones all the time whether judging people, in some of my opinions, my pride or the way I act. I have no right to throw stones, my sins seemed to have been endless in my life and even now knowing my Lord and Savior I continue to sin.

Application: Next time I make a judgment of someone I need to picture myself throwing a stone instead of an insult. I need to think twice before making any kind of a negative comment. If I’m to throw anything may it be myself at the feet of my Lord for mercy.

Prayer: My Lord open my eyes and may my thoughts and speech glorify you.

Only Jesus

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: John 7: 46 “No one ever spoke the way this man does,” the guards declared.

Observation: Jesus has proven over and over again that He is the Christ, the Son of God. There is nothing else for Him to do to prove to me He is worthy of all my praise and obedience. So why don’t I give it to Him?

Application: I need to realize Jesus is the Son of God and give Him the glory He deserves. To live my life with Him as my King and Savior and to do what He has told me to do. To honor Him with the way I live.

Prayer: Dear Lord, show me what to do to glorify you. Fill my heart and open my eyes to do what you’ve created me to do in glory and honor to you.