Category: Daily Devotional

Your Will

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Luke 22: [42] “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Observation: I’m always asking God to take the cup (pain) away from me, but do I do His will? I don’t like to be uncomfortable or in pain or sometimes I just want to do what I want. I will grow closer to God when I go through the trials and tribulations then just trust in Him and keep my eyes open to what He wants of me.

Application: Instead of focusing on God taking the cup from me, I should concentrate on doing His will. In all I do, especially the difficult tasks, I need to seek God’s will in my life.

Prayer: My Lord increase my faith and open my heart to do your will in my life. May I complete the task you set for me and glorify your name.

God’s Word will not Pass Away

Scripture: Luke 21: [33] Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Observation: God’s Word is planted in my heart and will last for all eternity. All that Jesus has said, all the concepts will still be there in heaven. The more I learn now the better equipped I will be to do God’s will here and fulfill my purpose and be ready to worship God in heaven.

Application: I need to continue to read each day, but then meditate on His word so it is planted in my heart. I need to memorize scripture and use it each day in honoring God. I should be living my life by His Word.

Prayer: Dear Lord plant your word in my mind and heart. May I have it for every decision I make, people I speak to and action I take.

Caesar’s or God’s

Scripture: Luke 20: 25 “Caesar’s,” they replied. He said to them, “Then give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

Observation: To often I give to Caesar what is God’s. The time I spend worrying and thinking of the things of this world should be devoted to God. I have responsibilities in this world to work and love others, but if I’m not doing it for God’s glory I’m not doing it for the right reason. Caesar (this world) should have my respect, courtesy, obeying laws, only because God tells me so in His word.

Application: Doing everything in God’s name. My obedience in this world should reflect God’s love in my life. I shouldn’t be obedient because I’m afraid of punishment, but because I would be disobedient to God.

Prayer: My Lord this whole life is yours, use it to honor you.

Saving What Was Lost

Scripture: Luke 19: [10] For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”

Observation: We are called to be more like Christ. This was Jesus mission to seek and save so it should also be every Christian’s. No matter what we are called to do the end result must have something to do with bringing others to Christ.

Application: Today I may have an opportunity to be an example of Christ’s love to others. I need to be aware of any situation that God may give me to lead someone to Him. I need to be loving, a servant, caring and compassionate.

Prayer: My Lord give me the opportunity today to show your love to someone who doesn’t know you. Place the words in my mouth and open my eyes to what you desire.

As a Child

Scripture: Luke 18: [17] I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

Observation: Children are so trusting when they are little, without worry or care, they do things out of joy. Not concerned about tomorrow, but enjoying the moment. I get so wrapped up in my troubles I can’t see God at times, so concerned about the things in this world I can’t see my heavenly home.

Application: I need to trust as a child in God’s loving grace, that He cares for me. Focus on His love and to be filled with joy no matter what might be happening around me. He is my Father and I should trust completely in Him.

Prayer: Dear Father hold me in your arms and guide me through this life until I come home to you.

Increase My Faith

Scripture: Luke 17: 5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

Observation: I pray this each day that my faith may increase. However each day seems to be the same, I worry, focus on my problems, am to lazy to do God’s will and a lack of faith to my Lord who has gotten me through so many difficulties. What is it going to take before I get that mustard seed of Faith?

Application: I need to work on giving my life to Christ. My thoughts, actions, words, all that I am need to honor God. If a situation comes up to do what God wants me to do, then by faith I need to put it in His hands.

Prayer: My Lord increase my faith, so I may live the life you desire of me.

Who Do I Serve

Scripture: Luke 16: 13 “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”

Observation: So much of time is spent worrying about money whether paying bills, concern about being able to pay off my house before I retire or possessions. Do I spend more time thinking of these things or God’s plan? I’m not sure. I should be able to say I trust God and I serve Him only, He is my master.

Application: I should catch myself whenever I start being concerned about money matters and instantly pray to God and thank Him for all I have and be aware of my thoughts and make sure God is in the center of my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are my Master and I am grateful you allow me to be your servant. May I please you and glorify your name.