Category: Daily Devotional

Being in Jesus’ Family

Scripture: Mark 3: [35] Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

Observation: I want to be part of God’s family. I deeply want to do God’s will, but my laziness and fear keep from doing all I need to do.

Application: Right now there are three things I feel God calling me to do. Simple things, a BBQ for a Pastor, a women’s breakfast and food for the CARE camp. Each day I overwhelm myself with thoughts of preparation. This should be my joy not my burden. I get to serve, I have an opportunity to honor God, who has done so much for me by serving others. It’s not a great work of faith but an opportunity to do the will of the Father.

Prayer: Dear Lord I want to be part of your family, the brother of Jesus. Wow what a position. Strengthen me, open my eyes to your will. May I please you today.

When Jesus Sees Our Faith

Scripture: Mark 2: [5] When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Observation: What does Jesus see when He looks at my faith? The last two days I’ve been so nervous about getting a job. I allow it to occupy a lot of my time. Today I sat outside the company I was interviewing with wondering what this day will bring, nervous if I’ll get the job and already wondering how I’ll support my wife and new home. Where is my faith? Jesus must be looking down saddened of his child He has gotten through so much and yet my faith is so weak.

Application: I need to give this burden to Jesus and trust his will be done. I need to let go of it now and let him work and no matter what might happen, trust in Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord take this burden from my heart and take charge. Show me how to be obedient and to stop and listen to you. Lord I believe, help my unbelief.

Fishing for Men

Scripture: Mark 1: [17] “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

Observation: This is what Jesus is saying today to follow his ways and bring others to Him, but is that what I’m doing. Am I being a good fisherman? Does my attitude draw others to God, am I catching anyone’s attention?

Application: I need to trust God more. I need to follow Him, before I can lead others. I need to be in constant prayer and reading to know what to do.

Prayer: My God make me more like your Son. Increase my faith and show me how to be a good fisherman for you.

Go Make Disciples

Scripture: Matthew 28: [19] Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Observation: I wonder what my purpose is sometimes and I pray to God for direction. One thing is clear that we are to go and spread the word of Jesus, to make disciples of others. So no matter what else God has in store for me the end result is to bring others to Christ either by words or action.

Application: In everything I do I must reflect Christ character, so others may be drawn to Him. Today I must be filled with joy, showing a love to others that could only come from the love I receive from Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to the opportunities to share your love and word. May you give me the words to say that I may bring others to you.

Surely He Is the Son of God

Scripture: Matthew 27: 54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

Observation: Sometimes I feel I take Jesus too lightly. He is the Son of God, my Lord and my Savior. I shouldn’t be able to say His name without wanting to bow and worship Him. It should pain me to hear His name used in vain and I should always defend and speak out to others.

Application: I need to always recognize the name of Jesus with the reverence He deserves, the Son of God and part of the trinity. My savior He loves me so much that He gave His life for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord may my life reflect how important you are and may my actions honor you. May I point others to you in love and worship.

The Spirit is Willing, But

Scripture: Matthew 26: [41] “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”

Observation: So many times I have good intentions in doing the right thing, but my laziness takes over and I end up doing nothing. The temptation of taking the easy way out wins and more wasted time is added and my time draws near to an end.

Application: Once I have a plan of doing something good I need to pray and ask God for strength to complete it. I need to remove any obstacle from the path of completing the mission God has in store for me and ask God to strengthen the spirit within me.

Prayer: Dear Lord be my strength and guide me to the completion of the task you set before me. Use the talents you have given me that I may honor you this day.

Doing For Others

Scripture: Matthew 25: 40 “The King will reply, `I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

Observation: There is always a special feeling when you go out of your way to help someone. My best memories are the times when I was able to do something nice for someone else. I can feel the presence of my Lord and a gentle embrace. It seems the only time I know for sure that I’m pleasing God is the time I’m helping others.

Application: I want to build a memory of times I stepped out and helped others, so I need to plan ways of reaching out and daily take opportunities to do something for someone else. Then always realize by doing so I’m more in God’s will then ever.

Prayer: My Lord guide me and show me how to reach out to others in your name. May I bring a smile on your face as I touch the life of someone today.