Category: Daily Devotional

Getting Ready

Scripture: Matthew 24: [44] So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Observation: Am I ready? I know I’m saved through the love and blood of Jesus, but am I ready to meet Him. Will He welcome me with open arms or will there be an expression of disappointment on his face? Will I have completed the work He wanted me to do or at least be on the path when He comes? If He came right now, what kind of reception would it be?

Application: I need to make his work for me number one in my life. I need to be busy doing His work in my life when He comes. My goal should be when I enter heaven my Lord will welcome me by saying, “well done good and faithful servant.”

Prayer: My Lord, guide me this day that I’m on the path of pleasing and glorifying your name.

Exalting Ourselves

Scripture: Matthew 23: [12] For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Observation: I continue to want to be important and recognized. Even when I’m trying to do something for God I want to be recognized by others. I know this is wrong and I need to humble myself and do things that honor God in secret, just for Him. Why is this so difficult? Is it my sin nature?

Application: I have nothing to be proud of, all I have comes from God. I need to be pointing others to Him, not me. There is nothing I can do apart from God, yet I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Whenever I even think of exalting myself I need to stop and humble myself and exalt God.

Prayer: My Lord, you know every thought I have. Help me be this humble man you call me to be, exalting your name above all, especially mine.

Loving God Most

Scripture: Matthew 22: 37 Jesus replied: ” `Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

Observation: This shouldn’t have to be a command but a natural reaction to a God who loves and cares for us so much. I should love Him from my heart and soul with passion, so I can’t wait to be with Him and my mind. God should be in every thought and action I take to make sure He is honored by me.

Application: As much as I love my wife, God should be so far above her in my affection, thoughts and deeds. I need to fall in love with my God each morning and live a life that would please all day long.

Prayer: My Lord, my love. Be with me each day and guide me how to show my love for you. Before I make a decision, have a thought or make a move. May I consider how each thing will show my love for you.

Believing and Receiving

Scripture: Matthew 21: [22] If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Observation: I pray each day, but do I believe my prayers will be answered? My faith is weak and I don’t know why. God has proven Himself faithful in my life over and over again, yet I doubt. This is a promise from God that if we believe we will receive it’s as simple as that. What stopping me from believing?

Application: I need to remember all of the things God has done in my life an that He never breaks a promise. I need to step up my faith when praying and know God will answer according to His will.

Prayer: My God increase my faith. Open my eyes each day to your miracles and promises.

To Be A Servant

Scripture: Matthew 20: [26] Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,

Observation: When Jesus entered my life the one thing He changed about me was to give me a servant’s heart. To heal me He took the focus off me and directed onto the needs of others. Now my joy comes from doing something for others. My depression was healed when I was doing what God wanted me to do, serve.

Application: I continue to get lazy and do nothing or very little at times. I start with good intentions then when the time comes to do what God wants me to do I become lazy. I need to search for God’s direction, knowing if I do anything to serve someone else I’m in God’s will. I need to complete the task with joy and love never begrudgingly.

Prayer: My Lord use this servant to serve others in your name and glorify you.

Welcoming Children

Scripture: Matthew 18: 5 “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

Observation: When Jesus came into my heart I noticed a difference on how I saw people. I never paid attention to the homeless, elderly or children. When Jesus changed my heart it was almost suddenly I had compassion for the homeless, I wanted to speak to the elderly and loved children. I helped with kid classes at the church, I would speak to children I saw and played Santa Claus for the CARE ministry. Jesus gives you the power and desire to keep His word.

Application: I need to keep looking at people through Jesus eyes. Filled with love, compassion and a desire to help others.

Prayer: Lord continue to give me the abilities and desires to touch other’s life in your name. May I show your love in this place.

All Things Are Possible

Scripture: Matthew 19: 26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Observation: So many times I get to a point in my life where I feel I can’t do something, be any better, can’t succeed. and feel hopeless and lost. I continue to forget how powerful and loving my God is. There is not a situation that has come into or will come into my life that God can’t handle. There is nothing impossible for Him.

Application: Stay in God’s will and know whatever God desires will happen in my life. My purpose is to fulfill God’s will in my Life and if my focus is on Him He can make all things possible for those who love Him, and I do.

Prayer: Dear Lord there is nothing impossible for you. Take control of my life and guide your servant to fulfill the purpose you have created in me.