Category: Daily Devotional

Who Do You Say I am?

Scripture: Mathew 16:15 “But what about you?” He asked.  “Who do you say I am?”

Observation: It’s as if Jesus is asking everyone, not just the 12 apostles.  And if we say Jesus is Lord there is a responsibility for us to follow him with no excuses.

Application: I say Jesus is Lord and in doing so I have a commitment to live for my Lord.  He has told me what is required of me and now it’s time to do it.

Prayer: Dear Jesus my Lord and Savior you rule in my life, please take charge and give me the knowledge and wisdom to know what to do and the strength, discipline and courage to do it.

What Comes out of the Mouth

Scripture: Mathew 15:11 What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean.

Observation: No matter how holy we try to be eventually we will say something that shows our true feelings at times.

Application:. I need to think and pray before I speak.  I need to always check my attitude before I speak, is it pride, anger or another emotion and will my words build up the person I’m speaking to or tear them down

Prayer: Dear Lord make my words reflect your glory so when I speak every one will know I’m yours.  Make me a Barnabus.

Walking on Water

Scripture: Mathew 14:25 “Lord if it’s you”, Peter replied, “Tell me to come to you on the water.”

Observation: Peter’s reply was if it is you Jesus I can do the impossible. I mean I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Application: I need to pursue the things God asks of me, knowing anything can be done if God’s involved, but I need to distinguish between what God wants and what I think He wants

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith. May I be still and hear your voice in what you desire of me and pursue the things of you. Grant me success in glorifying you.