Category: Daily Devotional

What Comes out of the Mouth

Scripture: Mathew 15:11 What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean.

Observation: No matter how holy we try to be eventually we will say something that shows our true feelings at times.

Application:. I need to think and pray before I speak.  I need to always check my attitude before I speak, is it pride, anger or another emotion and will my words build up the person I’m speaking to or tear them down

Prayer: Dear Lord make my words reflect your glory so when I speak every one will know I’m yours.  Make me a Barnabus.

Walking on Water

Scripture: Mathew 14:25 “Lord if it’s you”, Peter replied, “Tell me to come to you on the water.”

Observation: Peter’s reply was if it is you Jesus I can do the impossible. I mean I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Application: I need to pursue the things God asks of me, knowing anything can be done if God’s involved, but I need to distinguish between what God wants and what I think He wants

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith. May I be still and hear your voice in what you desire of me and pursue the things of you. Grant me success in glorifying you.