I Want To Know the Secret
Scripture: Philippians 4 [12] I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Observation: I also have been through all phases in my life where I made more money than I thought I could and being in bankruptcy. Yet in either situation was I content. I always had my desires measure whether I was content or not and my desires always were of the world. Even after becoming a Christian in some of my most spiritual moments and blessings of God, my mind would still dwell on the secular things of life.
Application: Stop measuring situations and things by the standards of this world and measure them by God’s. God has given me everything I need and this life is almost over and I’ll be home where I belong. My content should be based on how I’m living for God and not myself. At the end of each day my contentment should always be found in my relationship with Christ.
Prayer: Dear Father you have supplied beyond my needs and blessed me with things that I know I don’t deserve. Guide me each day in knowing what blesses You and then show me how I may please You.