Daily Devotional

Wait on the Lord

Scripture Isaiah 40:31: But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Observation: Waiting for me is so hard, I’m so impatient. I react on impulse and lead with my emotions, needing things done right away. I haven’t learned that I can’t make it through this life without my Lord. My strength is about gone and it’s hard to go on. Sometimes all I see is a hopeless end, instead of the endless hope that He has promised.

Application: I need to step back and when I feel myself being impatient, I need to stop and pray. I need to get my strength from God and do what He calls me to do. As long as my focus is on Him, I will finish this race and win the prize that He has set for me.

Prayer My Lord I need you so desperately. I feel like giving up and being with you now, but if that was your will it would have already happened. I know there is something You still desire of me, please speak to your servant and give me strength to complete my race in glory and honor to You.

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