Persevering to Finish
Scripture: James 1: [4] Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Observation: Persevering is definitely not one of my strong suits. I give up easily and quickly, making excuses and giving God reasons why I can’t go on. Whenever I start a project that can honor God my laziness takes over or my pride to stop my momentum. I will be mature until I finish what I’m called to do. I can never graduate until I finish the course.
Application: I need to know that the enemy does not what me to persevere, but desires me to give up. He will help throw up road blocks in my path, but I need to focus on the prize, pleasing my Lord and fulfilling the purpose I was created for. I have gifts I can use to serve my Lord and to help others and I need to be using them every opportunity I get.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me persevere through this life so that I might finish this race well. Guide me so that I may mature and be more useful to you. Use me to lead others to you. I love you Lord and desire to please you, fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how.