Daily Devotional

God’s Pleasure

Scripture Isaiah 46:10: Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’

Observation: God is saying He is still in control and nothing can change that. He has proved who He is and reigns over this world and will do what He desires. We are not called to understand, but we are called to obey and trust. We feel we need to understand what is happening before we consent to it, but that is not God’s desire, He requires faith in Him.

Application: I need to concede to my God and not depend on my own understanding, but in everything trust Him. He is the one to guide and direct my life and all I have to do is be willing to obey Him.

Prayer My Lord my thoughts are sinful and I go astray every day. Please speak to your servant and direct me in what will please You and that I will humbly obey your commands.

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