I‘m to be a Blessing
Scripture: Genesis 12:2 “I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
Observation: God most likely is not going to make me a great nation, but He does bless me. I shouldn’t even be here, I should be burning in Hell, where I belong. Yet because of my Lord’s mercy instead He has blessed me with so much. With that mercy I’m to be a blessing to others whether it is doing outreaches to help and bless others, my testimony on depression to help others draw closer to God or to just be an example of a man blessed by God so others may see Him through my life and draw near to Him.
Application: I need to seek more ways to be a blessing to others by the life I lead through Him. I need to take the opportunities God has given me to reach the lost and help His children in any way I can. When I meet someone they should feel they are blessed and see God working in my life and to desire the same in theirs.
Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all the blessings you have given me and the way you didn’t give up on me. Guide me each day to be a blessing to others and to live in a way that honors you.