The Spirit Speaks Through Us
Scripture Matthew 10:20 for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
Observation: Since I’ve been praying on the beach, I’m constantly experiencing the Holy Spirit speaking through me. Words come out of my mouth that I can’t believe. They bring others and myself peace and conviction. At first, I was a little nervous praying for others and I would try to think of different things to say in my prayers, but then God called me to just sit still as He spoke to His children.
Application: I need to continue to get better about having the Spirit speak through me. I need to trust God completely in what He has called me to do for He is the potter and I’m simply the clay and what a joy it is to be molded each day by His loving touch.
Prayer My Lord I’m your vessel to be used as You desire. I thank you that You are able to even use me for I’m not worthy. Continue to speak through me that I may help others grow closer to You.