I’m God’s Treasured Possession
Scripture Deuteronomy 14 [2] for you are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.
Observation: This scripture was for the Jews, but since Jesus bought us from sin with His sacrifice it now applies to those who are saved through Jesus’ sacrifice. I’m holy, because my Lord is Holy and he has taken my place. God choose me along ago, I’ve been predestined to serve him as so many have and because I’ve been bought at a price I’m God’s possession, His treasured possession for all of eternity.
Application: So much of the time I take my salvation too casually. Jesus paid an unbelievable price for me so that I may have eternal life with Him. I need to be more grateful for the most precious gift that I will ever receive. I can’t take this lightly and should be telling many more people about how they can be God’s treasured possession and live a life that will glorify and honor our Lord.
Prayer: My Lord thank you isn’t even close to being enough for what you have done for me you have not only given me the greatest gift of eternal life you have also given me life here on this earth. You’ve saved me more than once from death and have given me a purpose while I’m here. May everything I do glorify you and that you will use me to draw others to you. I love and humbly thank you for this life you have given me.