God Loves the Peacemakers
Scripture 2 Sam 2:26 Then Abner called to Joab and said, “Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that it will be bitter in the latter end? How long will it be then until you tell the people to return from pursuing their brethren?”
Observation: So often we get so determined to have things are way it doesn’t matter who we hurt or what sin we might comment to get it. We feel we have to win and that is the only thing that is important to us and we pursue it without thinking. I know in my life I did it all of the time whether it was getting a promotion at work, winning an argument, or getting something I wanted. I would pursue it without thinking whether it was wrong or right I just needed to get my way and this is what this scripture is saying are we going to destroy everything for no reason. It wasn’t until Abner stopped to think of the consequences of their action and had the strength to speak out before the killing stopped. It’s funny when he spoke out Joab agreed right away because they were so focus on winning they didn’t realize the cost.
Application: I want to be the peacemaker and realize what is happening around me. I’m typically the person that causes the quarrel in the first place and I need to be the one who humbles himself and thinks of the consequences of my actions. I want to be the person that can stop others when I see what they are doing is fugal and against what God wants. If people are aware of their mistakes and have an opportunity to correct them they will. I need to be aware of what I’m doing at all times to make sure I never fight a losing battle.
Prayer: My Lord I’m typically the instigator in most matters and I want to be the peacemaker. Please give me the wisdom I will need to draw others closer to you. May the only battle I’m in be the fight for you.