I’m No Longer a Slave
Scripture: Galatians 4:7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.
Observation: I have been a slave to sin most of my life and even now am controlled from time to time by it, but Jesus set me free from that. I am a child of God, his son and the Kingdom of heaven belongs to me. How unbelievable that sounds to me that I will inherit heaven after all I’ve done to my Father. I am truly the prodigal son.
Application: To remember each day that I am a son of God and my Father deserves all the obedience that a good son would have for their perfect Father. To tell others of their inheritance that awaits for them in the name of Jesus and to live a life of peace and hope in my Father so others will be drawn close to Him.
Prayer: Dear Father I thank you for your love and am not worthy of the inheritance that you have set aside for me. Show me how to be a good son, an obedient one that will please you and make you proud. May I hear you say, “That’s my boy,” with pride.