Commanded to Walk in Love
Scripture: 2 John 1: [6] And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
Observation: I want to obey God and to obey Him I must walk in love, yet I don’t. I struggle with not hating my brother-in-law. I feel he is a liar and a thief and has treated his sister, my wife, with no respect. I can’t think of him without hateful thoughts and I know that does not honor God. There is no excuse for me I must love him if I want to honor God, but it is a struggle for me.
Application: God has not given me any exceptions to His will, to love Him I must love others. I need to look at my brother-in-law as God’s child and nothing else. This is my thorn and I must overcome my hatred and honor God by loving him.
Prayer: Dear Lord I need your strength, love and compassion to be obedient to you. I’m a sinner and I have hateful ways, fill my heart with your love and guide me so that I may be obedient to you in all things.