Daily Devotional

So Many Scoffers

Scripture: 2Peter 3:3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

Observation: The people of this world have become so bold in denying God it’s becoming overwhelming. The government is allowing groups like the ACLU to take down crosses and questioning anything that has to do with God and Christianity. The worst part is that we as Christians are allowing it to happen. We shrug our shoulders and tell each other how wrong it is, but we don’t stand up to the scoffers we very silently oppose them.

Application: I’m not sure how to start, but it’s time that I stop becoming the silent majority and make myself heard. I need to use the righteous anger that Jesus had and make it known God is alive and the scoffers will be judged. I need to stand up to ridicule or persecution and let others see me stand strong and to gather with other Christians and tell others what God has done for us.

Prayer: My Lord forgive me for my silence when this world turns it back on you. Give me courage to stand up to those who oppose you and give me the words to say that will turn their heart or at least make them think. Use me as a vessel to stand up to the scoffers and be a light in this world.

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