Where Do Our Prayers Go?
Scripture: Revelations 8:[4] The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel’s hand.
Observation: I pray every day, but so often my prayers become repetitious and I day dream and forget what I asked God. I forget who I’m talking to, the creator of all and my Master and yet He listens to me. My prayers are brought before Him and He hears and fulfills my requests. I think of all I have asked of him and how many of these prayers were answered and I’m in awe.
Application: My prayers should be filled with thanksgiving also remembering who has granted me an audience and to make my requests honoring and in His will. I’m here for God and not the other way around so I need to honor Him with my prayers as well as my actions and thoughts.
Prayer: Dear Lord I ask to be the man that you want me to be. I need strength, courage and wisdom to fill this request and I ask boldly for them, knowing that you will grant them to me in your timing and according to your will for my life.