Being Alone with God
Scripture: Matthew 4: [34] He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.
Observation: I spend time with God in the morning praying, but my mind wanders a lot. This is the first time I noticed this scripture where it says that when the disciples were alone with Jesus then He explained everything. This world is so confusing and most of the time I don’t understand what God is trying to tell me, but then I’m not alone with Him enough.
Application: I need to spend more quality time alone with my Savior and listen to Him explain what He wants of me. I’m here for a purpose and I need to understand each day what is expected of me. I also need to be comforted and when I’m alone I can be still and know that He is God.
Prayer: Dear Lord take me aside with you just the two of us so I might hear what you have to say to your servant. Explain please to me the things you desire of me that I might understand and obey.