The Heart of a Child
Scripture: Matthew 18: [3] And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Observation: A child believes something when their parent tells them, they trust and depend on them for everything. A child’s mind isn’t clouded over with wortry and planning, they enjoy the moment that was given them. A child is loving and enjoys being held and listens when you talk to them. A child is what we used to be until the world got a hold of us and we started to look to ourselves instead of our loving Father.
Application: I continue to depend on myself, but that needs to stop. My goal needs to be to please my Father and to spend quality time with Him and to listen. I need to get to know my dad better and to stop worrying and start doing what it is He has called me to do. I need to learn to enjoy being with Him as we walk together through this life.
Prayer: Dear Father draw me closer to you and speak to me. I’m so lost and afraid and I need to feel your embrace and know that I am yours. Please clear my mind and give me peace and guide me where you want me to go. I love you Dad.