Daily Devotional

I need a Good Cleaning

Scripture: Matthew 15:10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. [11] What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him `unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him`unclean.’ ”

Observation: I was at work today and I find myself getting short with people. They would ask a simple question and I would respond in a semi joking sarcastic way. People would laugh it off, but deep inside I felt bad. I notice people now as they try to avoid any conversation because of the way I speak to them.

Application: I need to realize these are God’s children I’m speaking to on a daily basis. How would I act if someone talked to my kids in the way I speak to others? The first two commandments is to love God and to love others. I need to think before I speak and when I speak to speak out of love, representing Jesus.

Prayer: My Lord help calm me down and realize I’m speaking to the people you surround me with. May I be a good witness at all times, honoring you with what I say.

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