What I Do To Others I Do to Jesus
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8: [12] When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.
Observation: Why can’t I look at others as Jesus does. I either judge them right away, treat them poorly or with little regard and I don’t love them as my Lord commands me to. I don’t why I think I’m better than anyone and that I deserve anything. I’m here to serve God and the way I do that is my serving His children, yet I keep expecting something in return, when I deserve nothing.
Application: I need to treat others the way I would treat Jesus. If I’m loving to others I’m being loving to Jesus. On the other hand if I treat people with little regard or with any contempt that is the way I’m treating Jesus and He only deserves my very best and so do others. I will never meet anyone that God hasn’t created.
Prayer: My Lord help me see others through your eyes. May I see your presence in each person I see and when they meet me they should walk away knowing they are loved and cared for. I’m here to glorify you and I can only do that my treating your children as you would treat them.