Month: January 2022

How Much Am I Giving

Scripture: 1Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Observation: That is what I want to do give myself fully to the work of the Lord, but I fall very short. I barely work part time for my Lord and I know there is so much to do. My work for the Lord seems to be put on the back burner until I have time and maybe nothing else to do. I’m struggling a little bit about going out and witnessing this Saturday with the church, because I’m thinking I can do something else more enjoyable with that time. What else can be more worthwhile and satisfying?

Application: I know I’m busy at times but instead of God being last on my agenda He needs to be first. God’s work is more important than my relaxation and I should be excited for an opportunity to fulfill the purpose He has created me for. This Saturday I need to stand firm in honoring my Lord and show others how much I love my God. Each day I should be giving myself to the work of the Lord and incorporating that work with whatever I’m doing.

Prayer: Dear Lord strengthen your servant and give me peace in my mind that I will be focused on serving you. I want to serve you with all of my heart, but I get in my own way. Take charge and guide me I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, may it be Holy and pleasing to you.

Lord Show Me How To Prophesize

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:[4] He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.

Observation: Prophesy is telling others about our God. To stand up and say what we believe, to witness to others to build up the church. I have an opportunity to prophesy with my church on Saturday. A group of us will go to the beach and stand before non-believers and prophesy our believes to draw them to God. This is what we will do by faith, praying that the Holy Spirit will speak through us and touch hearts.

Application: I have a choice whether to go or not. It’s so easy to do nothing I need strength to make the commitment to obey God. I need to tell other not just this coming Saturday, but everyday be a good witness so others may see the hope of Jesus and make the decision that will alter their lives forever.

Prayer: My Lord give me the courage to go this Saturday. Help me make the decision to go and spread your Word among all that we meet. Speak through your servant and touch the hearts of those that don’t know you. May I be obedient to you.

I Must Not be Love

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:[5] It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Observation: This chapter talks about love what it is and what it isn’t. Unfortunately all the things love is not, I am. I find myself being rude at work and sometimes with my wife, I am always looking out for my best interest, I become angry very easily and I do keep records of people that wronged me. The word says God is love and my goal is to become more like Him, yet I keep going in the opposite direction.

Application: I need to calm down and stop letting everything bother me so much. I’m called to love and I need to focus on doing that in every situation. It doesn’t matter what others do to me I’m here to love and be a representative of God’s. I need to get rid of this selfishness and humble myself to others in glory and honor to God.

Prayer: Dear Lord please do a work in me. Calm my spirit and rid me of this anger I feel most of the time and fill my heart with love, the love you desire me to have and that I will represent your Son on this earth and help draw others closer to you.

What Part Do I Play

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Observation: Most of my life I had to feel significant and important. Even now I still desire a place of prestige and as hard as I try to be humble my pride is always there. Even at the church I need to be heard and am pleased when I’m recognized or complimented even though I make the gesture glory to God, do I give it. God has placed me in a servant’s role, like Jesus. I’m so glad Jesus’ pride didn’t overtake Him and He humbled himself before the Father to do His will. It’s interesting God gives me the same type of assignments as Jesus, servant, teacher, encourager, yet I fall so short of performing those duties as my Lord.

Application: I need to be more then content to do the will of the Father I should be honored. God saved me for a time like this, He put me into the body at Calvary and has opened doors to bear fruit in His name and the opportunities to earn crowns before I come home. Instead of dodging or complaining I should be ecstatic of the opportunities that lie ahead.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you that I am part of the body at this wonderful church and I ask you for strength to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Humble your servant before you and guide me each day to whatever task you put before me. May everything I do glorify you. I love you Lord.

I Wish I Could Say That

Scripture: 1Corinthians 11 [1] Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

Observation: I wish I could tell my children and grandchildren to follow my example. Yes there are a few things I do that honor God, but as for my life that is not an example of following God. At work it would be nice to think that the people who see me can see Christ through my actions and words, but too often I’m sarcastic and short with them. The example I give is not of Christ.

Application: I need to start the day trying to be that example to others. I need to stay in constant prayer and look for ways to be a good example. I need to be alert of the things around me and take advantage of moments to glorify God. I should be filled with His spirit and should constantly ask to be guided. I’m here for a short while and during that time people need to see Jesus play out in my life, I might be their opportunity to see Jesus and help guide them to salvation.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me be that example of your Son. Place in my spirit the things of you and take away this bitterness I wrestle with each day. Use me as a guide for those who don’t know you and show me how to lead them to you.

Constantly Being Tempted

Scripture: 1Corinthians 10 [13] No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Observation: My mind wanders so much and I look at things I know I shouldn’t be looking at. I may stare at a woman, when I should turn away, I look at things that I want to buy, but have no need of and would hurt us financially, I judge people and think evil thoughts before I remember I’m looking at God’s child. I’m tempted every day and I put myself in situations to be tempted instead of doing things that can keep me away from that temptation.

Application: I know God will provide a way out I need to look for the exit instead of carousing inside. I should know whatever I’m looking at God can see through my eyes and I know it doesn’t please Him, but disappoints Him. I need to be stronger and start looking at things through God’s eyes, with God’s heart. I know I’m easily tempted so I need strength to stay away from temptation.

Prayer: My Lord forgive me for my weakness. I search out things I shouldn’t, please help me to be a better servant in this life. Keep me from temptation and guide me on the path you choose.

Where Am I In the Race?

Scripture: 1Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Observation: I know I’m in a race put how hard am I trying to win? Do win in a race you need to be prepared, you need to sacrifice to get in shape, you need to practice and put your whole effort into winning. In life it seems I’m walking the race and periodically I sprint a little or maybe jog, but I see so many people in front of me I’m sure I’m not winning.

Application: I need to do more running. I need to get up off the sidelines and participate with all my strength in the race God has put me in. That’s right I have a sponsor and I should be wearing His name proudly on my back. Property of God is what it should say and if anyone sees me they should know who I belong to. I need to study more, pray more, serve others more and be the best I can be for God.

Prayer: My Lord I’m sorry I run as if I’m in the back of the pack. Energize your servant so that I may run harder and longer in your name. Help me get to the finish line that I may receive the prize that you have sent before me and that I may receive the greatest gift, an embrace from my Father knowing that you are proud of your child.