Month: February 2022

Others Better Then Me?

Scripture: Philippians 2: [3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Observation: Everything I seem to do is out of selfish ambition and vain conceit. I always put myself first in my decisions and time. I don’t practice what I preach and I’m not the person I truly want to be. I do want to be that person that gives and cares for the needs of others above my own, but when it comes down to it I want what I think is best for me. I can’t seem to humble myself enough to bring others up.

Application: My Lord died for me, God humbled himself on the cross so that I may live. I need to humble myself so others can see my Lord in me instead of this man who does things for his own desires. I need to consider my motives before setting out and doing things and make sure that I honor God. I don’t need to think less of myself, but to think of myself less.

Prayer: Dear Lord humble your servant before your children and guide me to do what it is you desire me to do. May I put the feelings and needs of others above my own and may I glorify You above all.

Help Me Finish This Work

Scripture: Philippians 1: [6] being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Observation: When I was first saved I couldn’t do enough for my Lord. I wanted to find out what He wanted of me and then do it. I was always in some ministry, leading home fellowships, planning an outreach or serving at the church. I wanted everyone to know that I was a Christian and I knew God had something special in mind for me. However as time went on my enthusiasm has faded, I make excuses and have become lazy in serving God.

Application: I still know God has things He wants me to d and I have been doing some things with the Depression ministry, but not enough. I need to allow God to work through this servant and allow Him to finish this work that He begun in me. I can see there is so much I can be used for in God’s glory, but I need to get up and make myself available.

Prayer: My lord forgive this lazy servant. Please finish this work you begun in me and may it come to completion before I go home to be with you.

I Need a Bigger Shield

Scripture: Ephesians 6: [16] In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Observation: I seem to keep getting hit by Satan’s darts, I don’t think my shield is big enough to stop them. My faith seems to go back and forth at times its strong and not much can bother me, but most of the time I’m questioning and uncertain of what I should be doing. I always feel as if there is something I should be doing to hurry up the process instead of being patient and waiting on God.

Application: There is no reason not to have enough faith to thwart Satan’s schemes. My Lord has been so faithful to me, always watching over me and showing me what He wants me to do. Faith is up to me, am I going to believe what God says in His word or not. If I do want His desires for me I’ll be in His will and that is my shield knowing that He will keep me from the fiery darts.

Prayer: Dear Lord please increase my faith. Help this double minded man that sways to the left and right. Put me on course and guide me on the path of your grace. Help me stand firm on your word and to hold the shield of faith proudly before you and others and I know I will be victorious, because that is your desire for me.

How Do I Please You Lord?

Scripture: Ephesians 5: [10] and find out what pleases the Lord.

Observation: I guess it isn’t as much finding out what pleases God, but doing it. Yesterday I felt called to evangelize at the beach with the church. It was very unorganized and only a couple of people came from the church. I feel I pleased God by stepping out to help, but my thoughts during the course of the day were not pleasing. I took an opportunity where I could have served God and pleased Him, yet I stopped short from glorifying God.

Application: I need not only take the initial step by obeying Him with my body, but also with my heart and thoughts. My Lord deserves my all, all my obedience, praise and worship not a halfhearted effort. God has done everything for me and all I have to do is find out what pleases Him and do it to the best of my ability.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for letting you down once again. You know my heart and I do want to please you but my body and mind is weak. Give me the strength and courage to do things that honor you. I love you with all my heart help me live this life proofing it.

Time To Take Out the Trash

Scripture: Ephesians 4: [31] Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Observation: As soon as I stop thinking of God and have a moment to myself my mind goes in the wrong direction. I get angry and bitter and think of the most negative things. Lately my mind has been set on Teri’s brother and how he has mishandled their father’s estate. I want revenge for the way he has treated his sister and disgraced his father’s wishes, even though it is none of my business. I delight in the thought that he is headed towards hell instead of helping him avoid it.

Application: I need to have a forgiving heart and it doesn’t matter what other people do to me I have a responsibility to my Lord and savior to be the man He desires me to be. I’m here as His representative to guide others to his loving grace and mercy. I need to have Jesus in my thoughts at all times and the will of the Father to guide me in what to do each day.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am weak and evil and I can’t control my sinful ways on my own. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and take charge over this servant that I might glorify you and not myself. Give me a loving spirit and take away this judgmental and sinful thoughts of mine. Show me how to love others for your glory.

Lord Give Me Power

Scripture: Ephesians 3: [18] may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,

Observation: I wish I could fathom God’s love. I know He loves me He shows me every day and I don’t know why. I look back at my life and see where it should have ended so many times, yet God continues to save and love me, but why? Even now after I see God’s hand in my life and try to comprehend His love, that I would be so obedient of doing God’s will each day, yet I always fall short. So why does He still love me so much. I wish I had the faith in God that He has in me.

Application: I need to keep God’s love close to me in my heart and mind. I need to use it as incentive to do his will and to help rid me of this laziness. I want to be able to share His love with others and ask to take this anger from me so that I will love others as He has directed me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord I don’t understand your love, please help me understand and show me how I might please you. Show me how to love like You and that my heart would be fill with the joy of serving others in your name. I have such a long way to go help me reach the goal of pleasing you.

Created to Do Good Works

Scripture: Ephesians 2: [10] For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Observation: At times I look in the mirror and can’t see God’s workmanship. I use to feel so useless, hated my appearance and couldn’t stand being me. After receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior things changed. I was able to see God’s workmanship in my life as He changed my heart. He gave me tasks to do, people He wanted me to meet and things He wanted me to do. Each task seems as if it was prepared in advance for me to do, using the gifts and talents God gave me, I can see I was created to do these good works, because of Him.

Application: I need to search for the opportunities to do the works God has created me to do. I need to be ready to serve the way my Lord wants me to serve. I know I have missed so many opportunities already because of my laziness and I can’t afford to miss anymore. I need to be doing what I was created to do and not become useless to my maker.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for making me, me. Guide me each day to what it is you desire of me and that I will do the works you have planned for me to do. At the end of each day may I see what it was you desired and that I did it.