It Can’t Be Long Now
Scripture: Revelations 6:[10] They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”
Observation: I look at the world today and am amazed that God hasn’t judged it yet. The sin, corruption, ungodliness and hate is overwhelming. How long can it be? I know God doesn’t want any to perish, but it seems to continue to get worse and God seems to be left out of everything anymore.
Application: I need to keep in mind that the end can come at any time and God has called us to reach His children with His word. If I don’t do what God commands me to do there might be someone that will spend eternity in Hell instead of with their heavenly Father. I need to do all that God calls me to do to spread the gospel and touch others with His word.
Prayer: Dear Lord may I not sit in the comfort that I am saved and have an eternal home with you, but that you would convict my spirit to do all you require of me to touch the lives of those you placed around me. Give me the wisdom, courage and strength that I’ll need to do your will in my life. I love you so much, may that love show to others.